Kinsman's Greenhouse was eventually owned by the Erwin family. It stood where the Riverside Arena is currently located in Austin. Below is the text of a newspaper article concerning Kinsman's.
Erwin Turns Over Kinsmans to Son
Kinsmans Inc. changed hands Jan. 2, but the announcement was late in coming because M. Beecher Erwin has been just too busy to release the news.
First he has been busy getting ready to retire. Second, he has been thrilled at the realization of his long dream of turning over his
M. Beecher Erwin business to his son. Third, no sooner had M.B. decided to retire than he got a job offer, which he accepted.
Robert (Bob)
ErwinRobert (Bob) Erwin is the new president and secretary of Kinsmans. His wife, Doris, is vice president and treasurer. With them in the board of directors is Mrs. Ethel Bringsjord, office manager.
Bob started working after school and Saturdays at the greenhouse when he was 10 and has had experience in every department, including a turn at truck driving. He has been an officer of the firm since his father bought out the Ashton interests six years ago, and for the past two years Bob has been manager.
Inside Kinsmans Greenhouse M.B. Erwin began working at Kinsmans when he was 15 and his retirement last week ended 47 years of service.
"My heart will remain in Austin, which has been good to me," Erwin said today. "That's why I will continue to own my home and spend what time I can here."
New Job for M.B.
In place of retiring and taking it easy, Erwin will settle for the chance to meet old friends in the flower business which will be part of his new job with the Vulcan Bulb Co., Chicago importer and marketing center. Erwin will represent Vulcan in several states and will also be one of the buyers. His work will require trips to Florida, California and Oregon.
Kinsmans is nationally known in the industry and is one of the older firms in the business in the Upper Midwest.
Copyright Kathy Pike 2005. All rights reserved.