CROSSED THE RIVER List of Old Settlers of Mower County Who Have Died Within the Past Year. We give below a nearly complete list of the old settlers who have died during the year ending September 1, 1902. If anyone knows of any additions to this list, will he send them in immediately to this office, giving name, date of death, age and sate of coming to Mower county. Please do not neglect this. The list is a long one and reminds us that those who came here and pioneered in early days are now in advanced life and they are rapidly leaving us. No one of the survivors can afford to miss the meeting of the MOwer County Old Settlers Association on the county fair grounds in connection with the Golden Jubilee on Thursday of next week, September 11th. Charles H. Davidson, died in Austin, Sept 22, 1901, aged 55 years. Settled at Austin 1856. Carlos Manchester, died in Udolpho, Sept. 18, 1901, aged 70 years. Settled in Udolpho 1862. Mrs. Mary Eddy, widow of Frank A. Richardson, died in Duluth, Sept. 6, 1901, Settled in Austin 1889, moving to Duluth 1887 John S. Lacy, died in Montrose, S.D., Sept. 13, 1901, aged 70 years. Settled in Austin 1857. Moved to South Dakota 1878. Mrs. Chris Nelson, died in Windom township, Oct. 4, 1901, aged 36 years. Came to Mower county, 1867. Mrs. Horace C. Hall, died in Austin, Oct. 9, 1901, aged 66 years. Came to Red Rock Township, 1865. Mrs. Sarah J. Billings, died in Taopi, October 11, 1901, aged 74 years. Came to Lodi in 1863. Miss Lovina Thompson, died in Minneapolis, Oct. 5, 1901, aged 86 years. One of the early settlers of Brownsdale. Carl W. Sachse, died in Lansing township, Oct. 26, 1901, aged 75 years. He came to Lansing township in 1856/ Mrs. Rudolph Miller, died near LeRoy, Nov. 8, 1901. aged 70 years. She came to LeRoy in 1857. William M. Pace, died in Lyle township, Nov. 13, 1901, aged 79 years. He came to section 22, Lyle township in 1856. Nathan Corning, died at Lyons, Iowa, Nov. 8, 1901. Was an old resident of London township and lived for years in Austin. Patrick Farrell, died in Austin, Nov. 14, 1901, aged 81 years. Had lived in this vicinty over 25 years. Mrs. O.R. Smith, died at Morris, Minn., Nov. 18, 1901, aged 47 years. Came with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Harden, to LeRoy in 1868. Mrs. Edward Elward, daughter of H.G. Pronty, died in Austin, Dec. 3, 1901, aged 39 years. Was born and reared in Austin township. Lynds S. Mitchell, died in Austin, Dec. 24, 1901, aged 59 years. Came to Austin in 1863. John H. Johnson, died near Adams village, Dec. 23, 1901. Came to vicinity of Adams in 1853. John S. Irgens, died near San Diego, Cal., Dec. 31, 1901, aged 70 years. He came to Adams township before the war. Was county treasurer four years. Capt. William Stanley, died in Lyle village, Jan. 6, 1902, aged 70 years. Came to Lyle in 1875. Mrs. J.W. Wadworth, died in Algona, Iowa, Jan. 5, 1902, aged 52 years. Came with her parents to Cedar City in 1856. George E. Shapley, died in Katy, Texas, Jan. 13, 1902, aged 62 years. Came to Austin in 1866. Mrs. S. C. Olson, died in Austin, Feb. 21, 1902, aged 69 years. Came to Austin in 1869. Mrs. Andrew J. French, died in Windom township, March 1, 1902, aged 75 years. She came to Austin in 1861. Stephen N. Frisbie, died in Austin, March 19, 1902, aged 77 years. He came to Moscow township, six miles west, in 1856. Mrs. Mary F. Miller, died in Austin, March 23, 1902, aged 50 years. She came to Austin in 1878. Benjamin Illingswordt, died in LeRoy, March 21, 1902, aged 84 years. Came to LeRoy before 1870. Augustus C. Bisbee, Died in Forest Hill, Calif., April 3, 1902, aged 78 years. Came to Nevada township in 1866. John J. Mahoney, died in LeRoy, April 19, 1902, aged 73 years. He came to LeRoy in 1857. Henry Meyers, died in LeRoy township, April 27, 1902, aged 73 years. He came to LeRoy in 1857. William Wynn, died in Austin, May 2, 1902, aged 75 years. He came to Lyle township in 1865. Mrs. Carlos Manchester, died in Udolpho, May 11, 1902, aged 66 years. She came with her husband to Udolpho in 1862. Mrs. Hans C. Anderson, died in Austin, May 20, 1902, aged 62 years. She came to Nevada township in 1854. Mrs. Gerna Vargason, died at Hawarden, Iowa, May 29, 1902, at an advanced age. She came to LeRoy in 1855 and lived there for many years. Abraham Dickerson, died in Austin, June 4, 1902, aged 79 years. He came to Austin township in 1857. Lars Runnerstrand, died in LeRoy, June 7, 1902, aged 57 years. He came to LeRoy in 1873.
Mrs. Conrad Hambrecht, died in LeRoy, June 7, 1902, aged 71 years. She came to LeRoy in 1860. Mrs. James Geraghty, died in Austin, June 16, 1902, aged 53 years. She came to Austin in 1871. D.C. Corbitt, died in Hot Springs, Canada, June 27, 1902. He came to LeRoy in 1867. Mrs. S.W. Woodward, died in Brownsdale, July 5, 1902, aged 72 years. She came to Brownsdale in 1858. Mrs. Paul Anderson, died in Nevada township, July 12, 1902, aged 70 years. One of the early settlers. William Gutherless, died in Dodge Centre, July 12, 1902, aged 75 years. He came to section 34, Austin township in 1864.
Ulrick Julson, died near Grand Meadow, July 26, 1902, aged 80 years. An old settler. Ole Sampson, died in Nevada township, July 30, 1902, aged 76 years.. He came to Nevada in 1854. Mrs. R.M. Green, died in Minneapolis, Aug. 5, 1902, aged 74 years. She settled with her husband in the west part of Lansing in 1856. Mrs. Charles Sodergren, died in Red Rock, August 15, 1902, aged 50 years. She came to Red Rock in 1871. |
Mower County Transcript, Wed., Sept. 3, 1902, front page
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