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NAME TOWNSHIP BIRTH BIRTHPLACE COLOR SEX ======================= =============== ======== ==================== ===== ====== Wachlin, Henry Austin abt 1845 Prussia White Male Wagener, Anna L Bennington abt 1863 Wisconsin White Female Wagener, Ellen Bennington abt 1867 Minnesota White Female Wagener, George A Bennington abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Wagener, Henry Bennington abt 1832 Deutschland White Male Wagener, Lesetta Bennington abt 1840 Deutschland White Female Wagener, Theodore Bennington abt 1865 Minnesota White Male Wagner, Elizabeth Austin abt 1825 Deutschland White Female Wagner, John Austin abt 1816 Deutschland White Male Wagner, Julia Austin abt 1866 Wisconsin White Female Wagner, Lizzie Austin abt 1854 Wisconsin White Female Wagner, Mary Austin abt 1849 Deutschland White Female Waisman, Edwin R Austin abt 1868 Minnesota White Male Waisman, Emma J Austin abt 1865 Minnesota White Female Waisman, Henry Austin abt 1837 New York White Male Waisman, Henry D Austin abt 1863 Wisconsin White Male Waisman, Maria Austin abt 1840 Indiana White Female Wait, Baird W Nevada abt 1859 Wisconsin White Male Wait, David Nevada abt 1833 Vermont White Male Wait, Effie Nevada abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Wait, Frank Nevada abt 1863 Wisconsin White Male Wait, Frederick Nevada abt 1867 Minnesota White Male Wait, Ida Nevada abt 1861 Wisconsin White Female Wait, Margaret Nevada abt 1838 New York White Female Wait, Nettie Nevada abt 1865 Minnesota White Female Wakefield, Lizzie Austin abt 1849 Vermont White Female Wakefield, S Austin abt 1825 Vermont White Male Walker, Amanda Frankford abt 1828 Virginia White Female Walker, Eliza Waltham abt 1858 Pennsylvania White Male Walker, Ella Frankford abt 1867 Minnesota White Female Walker, Francis Dexter abt 1850 Massachusetts White Male Walker, Gorton Frankford abt 1856 Minnesota White Male Walker, John Frankford abt 1826 Ohio White Male Walker, John Frankford abt 1854 Indiana White Male Walker, Mark Waltham abt 1828 Vermont White Male Walker, Morton Frankford abt 1861 Minnesota White Male Walker, Pauline Frankford abt 1853 Indiana White Female Walker, Sanford Frankford abt 1859 Minnesota White Male Walker, Teresa Frankford abt 1863 Minnesota White Female Wall, Geoffrey Austin abt 1849 England White Male Wallace, Charles Lansing abt 1866 Minnesota White Male Wallace, George Lansing abt 1864 Minnesota White Male Wallace, James Lansing abt 1868 Minnesota White Male Wallace, Lawrence Lansing abt 1857 Ireland White Male Wallace, Loren Lansing abt 1830 Ireland White Male Wallace, Margaret Lansing abt 1862 Ireland White Female Wallace, Mary Lansing abt 1829 Ireland White Female Wallace, Mary Lansing abt 1861 Ireland White Female Wallace, Nellie Austin abt 1856 Massachusetts White Female Walsh, Edward Austin abt 1849 Ireland White Male Walsh, Elizabeth Lansing abt 1843 England White Female Walsh, Henry Lansing abt 1865 Ohio White Male Walsh, James Lansing abt 1837 Ireland White Male Walsh, James Lansing abt 1870 Minnesota White Male Walsh, John Austin abt 1845 Ireland White Male Walsh, John Lansing abt 1867 Wisconsin White Male Walsh, Maggie Lansing abt 1868 Wisconsin White Female Walters, Nellie Austin abt 1856 Massachusetts White Female Walters, Nellie Austin abt 1856 Massachusetts White Female Ward, John Austin abt 1842 Ireland White Male Ward, Wm H Austin abt 1854 Maryland White Male Ware, Amelia Lansing abt 1856 Iowa White Female Ware, Emma Lansing abt 1862 Iowa White Female Ware, Laura Lansing abt 1859 Iowa White Female Ware, Lilly Lansing abt 1865 Iowa White Female Ware, Mary Lansing abt 1825 New York White Female Ware, Samuel Lansing abt 1822 New York White Male Ware, Walter Lansing abt 1849 New York White Male Warner, Albert Lansing abt 1855 Massachusetts White Male Warner, Amanda Lansing abt 1817 New York White Female Warner, Charles W Windom abt 1864 Iowa White Male Warner, Conrad Racine Warner, Donna Windom abt 1868 Iowa White Female Warner, George W Windom abt 1857 New York White Male Warner, Herman Lansing abt 1814 Connecticut White Male Warner, Ira S Windom abt 1859 Iowa White Male Warner, Laura J Windom abt 1865 Iowa White Female Warner, Lorrin B Windom abt 1860 New York White Male Warner, Mary E Windom abt 1838 New York White Female Warner, Ora H Windom abt 1834 New York White Male Warren, A P Austin abt 1824 New York White Male Warren, Benj Austin abt 1828 New York White Male Warren, Candace Austin abt 1831 New York White Female Warren, Cordelia A Austin abt 1859 Wisconsin White Female Warren, Elizabeth O Austin abt 1838 Canada E White Female Washburne, Elbra Udolpho abt 1865 Minnesota White Female Washburne, Emma Udolpho abt 1860 Minnesota White Female Washburne, Hattie Udolpho abt 1858 Minnesota White Female Washburne, Jane Udolpho abt 1856 Minnesota White Female Washburne, Julia Udolpho abt 1830 Vermont White Female Washburne, Sanford Udolpho abt 1854 Vermont White Male Washburne, Seth Udolpho abt 1830 Vermont White Male Waterbury, Adam Lansing abt 1850 Denmark White Male Waterman, Geo Austin abt 1845 Ill White Male Waters, Edward Austin abt 1848 New Jersey White Male Watkins, Abram Austin abt 1845 Wales White Male Watkins, Anna Austin abt 1843 New York White Female Watkins, Emeline Austin abt 1849 Wisconsin White Female Watkins, Ephraim Windom abt 1823 New York White Male Watkins, Evan Austin abt 1840 Wales White Male Watkins, Evan Austin abt 1870 Minnesota White Male Watkins, Franklin A Austin abt 1868 Minnesota White Male Watkins, Fred Austin abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Watkins, Jennie Austin abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Watkins, John Austin abt 1804 Wales White Male Watkins, John Austin abt 1836 Wales White Male Watkins, Lydia Windom abt 1830 New York White Female Watkins, Maria Austin abt 1838 New York White Female Watkins, Martha E Windom abt 1864 Iowa White Female Watkins, Mary Austin abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Watkins, May A Windom abt 1861 Iowa White Female Watkins, Phebe Austin abt 1846 Canada White Female Watkins, Whitaker Austin abt 1847 Wales White Male Watkins, Wm J Windom abt 1866 Iowa White Male Watson, Jas Austin abt 1840 Ireland White Male Watson, Mary Austin abt 1825 Ireland White Female Wattles, Benjamin Racine abt 1868 Minnesota White Male Wattles, Dora Racine abt 1863 Minnesota White Female Wattles, Willie Racine abt 1866 Minnesota White Male Watts, Ellsworth Austin abt 1863 New York White Male Watts, Orvill Austin abt 1861 New York White Male Watts, Sylvia Austin abt 1835 Canada E White Female Way, Charles Austin abt 1870 Minnesota White Male Way, Herbert Pleasant Valley abt 1847 Canada White Male Way, Martha E Austin abt 1851 New York White Female Way, Wm Austin abt 1844 Ill White Male Weaver, Ella Austin abt 1843 England White Female Weaver, George Austin abt 1863 Ill White Male Weaver, Henry Austin abt 1843 Indiana White Male Weaver, John Austin abt 1860 Ill White Male Weaver, Mary A Austin abt 1858 Ill White Female Weaver, Sarah E Austin abt 1861 Ill White Female Webb, Abram Austin abt 1842 New York White Male Webb, Albert Austin abt 1857 New Jersey White Male Webb, Celinda Austin abt 1826 Canada White Female Webb, Chas A Austin abt 1852 New Jersey White Male Webb, Eunice Austin abt 1863 Minnesota White Female Webb, Freddie Austin abt 1859 Ill White Male Webb, Geo Austin abt 1838 New York White Male Webb, H M Austin abt 1800 New York White Male Webb, Henry Austin abt 1818 England White Male Webb, Henry H Austin abt 1851 Canada White Male Webb, Jonie E Austin abt 1825 New York White Female Webb, Josephine Austin abt 1857 Minnesota White Female Webb, Luther Frankford abt 1847 New York White Male Webb, Mary Austin abt 1804 New York White Female Webb, R M Austin abt 1829 Canada E White Male Webb, Robert Windom - - - - Webb, Robert Windom abt 1803 Maine White Male Webb, Willard Austin abt 1859 Minnesota White Male Webb, William Lansing abt 1835 New York White Male Webb, Wm Austin abt 1853 Canada White Male Webber, Amelia Pleasant Valley abt 1858 Wisconsin White Female Webber, Amelia Pleasant Valley abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Webber, Anna Pleasant Valley abt 1868 Minnesota White Female Webber, Charles Adams abt 1852 Illinois White Male Webber, Elizabeth Adams abt 1861 Minnesota White Female Webber, Emma Pleasant Valley abt 1864 Minnesota White Female Webber, Fannie Pleasant Valley abt 1856 Wisconsin White Female Webber, Fannie Pleasant Valley abt 1863 Wisconsin White Female Webber, Henry Pleasant Valley abt 1826 Austria White Male Webber, Henry Pleasant Valley abt 1861 Minnesota White Male Webber, John Adams abt 1817 Deutschland White Male Webber, Julia Pleasant Valley abt 1828 Austria White Female Webber, Julius Pleasant Valley abt 1852 Austria White Male Webber, Kate Pleasant Valley abt 1839 Austria White Female Webber, Louisa Pleasant Valley abt 1861 Wisconsin White Female Webber, Mary Adams abt 1830 Deutschland White Female Webber, Mary Adams abt 1863 Minnesota White Female Webber, Mary A Adams abt 1866 Minnesota White Female Webber, Matthias Adams abt 1857 Illinois White Male Webber, Nicholas Adams abt 1855 Illinois White Male Webber, Polly Pleasant Valley abt 1854 Wisconsin White Female Webber, Robert Pleasant Valley abt 1858 Wisconsin White Male Webber, Vincent Pleasant Valley abt 1832 Austria White Male Webber, Vincent Pleasant Valley abt 1865 Wisconsin White Male Webber, William Pleasant Valley abt 1859 Wisconsin White Male Webster, James Waltham abt 1855 Maine White Male Webster, W W Austin abt 1847 New York White Male Weed, Charles Frankford abt 1847 Wisconsin White Male Weed, Ellen Frankford abt 1843 Massachusetts White Female Weed, George Frankford abt 1842 Wisconsin White Male Weed, Minnie Frankford abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Weed, Nellie Frankford abt 1870 Minnesota White Female Weeden, Alfred Lyle abt 1850 Sweden White Male Weeks, Ann Frankford abt 1866 Minnesota White Female Weeks, Hubert Frankford abt 1863 Minnesota White Male Weeks, John Frankford abt 1840 Norway White Male Weeks, Julia Frankford abt 1870 Minnesota White Female Weeks, Kate Frankford abt 1812 Norway White Female Weeks, Martha Frankford abt 1835 Norway White Female Weeks, Oliver Frankford abt 1810 Norway White Male Weinard, Frank Austin abt 1828 Prussia White Male Weiser, James Dexter abt 1845 Virginia White Male Welch, Collins Grand Meadow abt 1850 Ireland White Male Welch, David W Austin abt 1851 Canada White Male Welch, Hannah Austin abt 1816 Ireland White Female Welch, John Lansing abt 1842 Ireland White Male Welch, Joshua Austin abt 1808 Canada E White Male Welch, Orad Austin abt 1840 Canada White Male Welch, Patrick Lansing abt 1845 Ireland White Male Welch, Patrick Lansing abt 1846 Ireland White Male Welch, Rebecca E Austin abt 1815 Vermont White Female Welch, Viola S Austin abt 1858 Minnesota White Female Weller, Amanda Lansing abt 1838 Pennsylvania White Female Weller, Dwight Lansing abt 1828 Massachusetts White Male Weller, Hiram Lansing abt 1856 Wisconsin White Male Weller, William Lansing abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Welles, Charlotte Lansing abt 1840 ?? White Female Welles, Edward Lansing abt 1833 ?? White Male Welles, Horace Lansing abt 1864 Vermont White Male Welles, Susan Lansing abt 1869 ?? White Female Welles, William Lansing abt 1862 Vermont White Male Welson, George Pleasant Valley - - - - Welson, Mary Grand Meadow abt 1840 Norway White Female Wench, Walter Grand Meadow abt 1846 Ireland White Male Wenger, John Frankford abt 1852 Norway White Male West, Anthony Lansing abt 1847 New York White Male West, Charles Austin abt 1847 New York White Male West, Charlotes L Lyle abt 1827 New York White Female West, Cullie Lyle abt 1865 Minnesota White Male West, Frank Lyle abt 1847 New York White Male West, Wm Lyle abt 1826 New York White Male Weston, Brainard Racine abt 1863 Minnesota White Male Weston, Lenora Racine abt 1860 Minnesota White Female Weston, Mary Racine abt 1828 Connecticut White Female Weston, Otis Racine abt 1846 Wisconsin White Male Weston, S C Racine abt 1806 Connecticut White Male Westover, Albert M Austin abt 1858 Kansas White Male Westover, Alice L Austin abt 1863 Wisconsin White Female Westover, Anna Austin abt 1862 Wisconsin White Female Westover, Della Austin abt 1856 Wisconsin White Female Westover, Ellen Austin abt 1835 CAEN White Female Westover, Frank Austin abt 1857 Wisconsin White Female Westover, Fred Austin abt 1865 Wisconsin White Male Westover, Helen A Austin abt 1859 Kansas White Female Westover, Isaac Austin abt 1835 Canada W White Male Westover, John M Austin abt 1821 Canada W White Male Westover, Josephine Austin abt 1853 CAEN White Female Westover, Loretta Austin abt 1855 Wisconsin White Female Westover, Martha Austin abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Westover, Marvin Austin abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Westover, Mary A Austin abt 1836 Canada W White Female Westover, Rena Austin abt 1859 Wisconsin White Female Westover, Runa Austin abt 1859 Wisconsin White Male Westover, Willie Austin abt 1861 Wisconsin White Male Weymouth, Albert Red Rock abt 1846 Indiana White Male Weymouth, Amanda Red Rock abt 1853 Indiana White Female Weymouth, Boardman Red Rock abt 1858 Indiana White Male Weymouth, Clarence Red Rock abt 1865 Michigan White Male Weymouth, Edwarda Red Rock abt 1855 Indiana White Male Weymouth, Robert Red Rock abt 1819 Ireland White Male Weymouth, Susan Red Rock abt 1823 Indiana White Female Wheat, Carrie M Austin abt 1857 Minnesota White Female Wheat, John N Austin abt 1817 Massachusetts White Male Wheat, Julia A Austin abt 1826 New York White Female Wheeler, E O Austin abt 1839 New York White Male Wheeler, George Red Rock abt 1839 Vermont White Male Wheeler, Gertrude Red Rock abt 1866 Minnesota White Female Wheeler, Kate J Austin abt 1843 Pennsylvania White Female Wheeler, Laura Frankford abt 1853 Indiana White Female Wheeler, Sarah Red Rock abt 1846 Vermont White Female Whipple, Abel Austin abt 1820 New Hampshire White Male Whipple, Eliza Austin abt 1830 Vermont White Female Whipple, Willie Austin abt 1861 Iowa White Male White, Arthur Lansing abt 1869 Wisconsin White Male White, Charles Frankford abt 1847 Massachusetts White Male White, E S Austin abt 1812 Vermont White Male White, Fordyce Red Rock abt 1851 Wisconsin White Male White, Freddie W Austin abt 1869 Minnesota White Male White, Geo O Austin abt 1840 Pennsylvania White Male White, George Frankford abt 1818 New York White Male White, Jennie Lansing abt 1846 Wisconsin White Female White, Laura Red Rock abt 1843 New York White Female White, Louisa Austin abt 1845 New York White Female White, Nancy Austin abt 1799 Vermont White Female White, Theresa Frankford abt 1817 Massachusetts White Female White, Ward Red Rock abt 1840 New York White Male White, William Lansing abt 1838 Vermont White Male Whitford, Adda Lyle abt 1838 New York White Female Whitford, Asal Lyle abt 1815 New York White Male Whitford, Carrie E Lyle abt 1856 Michigan White Female Whitford, Eliza Lyle abt 1822 New York White Female Whitford, Joseph Lyle abt 1847 New York White Male Whitford, Mary Lyle abt 1845 New York White Female Whitford, Mary Lyle abt 1845 New York White Female Whitford, Mary Lyle abt 1868 Minnesota White Female Whitford, Wm Lyle abt 1812 New York White Male Whitman, George Frankford abt 1851 Wisconsin White Male Whitman, Ruel Austin abt 1861 Wisconsin White Male Whitney, Albert Frankford abt 1865 Iowa White Male Whitney, Ellen Frankford abt 1870 Minnesota White Female Whitney, Emma Frankford abt 1834 New York White Female Whitney, George Frankford abt 1858 Illinois White Male Whitney, Lizzie Frankford abt 1862 Iowa White Female Whitney, Mary Frankford abt 1860 Iowa White Female Whitney, Mary Lansing abt 1800 Connecticut White Female Whitney, Matilda Frankford abt 1855 New York White Female Whitney, Robert Frankford abt 1824 Connecticut White Male Whitney, Robert Frankford abt 1865 Iowa White Male Wight, Ephraim Red Rock abt 1837 Maine White Male Wight, Helen Red Rock abt 1841 Massachusetts White Female Wight, Kate Red Rock abt 1863 Massachusetts White Female Wilbour, Annie H Austin abt 1823 Massachusetts White Female Wilbour, Geo E Austin abt 1821 Rhode Island White Male Wilcox, Samuel Windom abt 1850 Illinois White Male Wilder, Hannah Lyle abt 1831 Indiana White Female Wilder, Orlando Lyle abt 1813 Vermont White Male Wilder, Peet Lyle abt 1853 Wisconsin White Male Wilder, Prosper Lyle abt 1852 Wisconsin White Male Wilder, Shed Lyle abt 1859 Minnesota White Male Wilkins, Aurilla E Austin abt 1828 New York White Female Wilkins, Chas M Lyle abt 1865 Wisconsin White Male Wilkins, Clara A Austin abt 1859 Minnesota White Female Wilkins, Eliza Pleasant Valley abt 1831 Scotland White Female Wilkins, Frank Lyle abt 1863 Wisconsin White Female Wilkins, George Pleasant Valley abt 1867 Minnesota White Male Wilkins, James Austin abt 1793 Vermont White Male Wilkins, Jane Pleasant Valley abt 1859 Minnesota White Female Wilkins, John Pleasant Valley abt 1832 England White Male Wilkins, Martha Pleasant Valley abt 1864 Minnesota White Female Wilkins, Mary J Lyle abt 1838 Maine White Female Wilkins, Melissa Pleasant Valley abt 1861 Minnesota White Female Wilkins, Morris Lyle abt 1835 New York White Male Wilkins, W T Austin abt 1827 New York White Male William, Isaiah Lyle abt 1824 New York White Male William, John Pleasant Valley - - - - William, Justin Lyle abt 1850 New York White Male William, Pamelia E Lyle abt 1824 Vermont White Female Williams, Adelia Pleasant Valley abt 1850 New York White Female Williams, Alice A Austin abt 1866 Ohio White Female Williams, Alpheus Pleasant Valley abt 1868 Minnesota White Male Williams, Augustus Pleasant Valley abt 1851 New York White Male Williams, Carrie L Austin abt 1864 Massachusetts White Female Williams, Charles Pleasant Valley abt 1854 Michigan White Male Williams, Chas E Austin abt 1868 Ill White Male Williams, Chas H Austin abt 1855 Massachusetts White Male Williams, Clark Pleasant Valley abt 1857 Minnesota White Male Williams, Cora Pleasant Valley abt 1865 Minnesota White Female Williams, Dan Pleasant Valley abt 1824 New York White Male Williams, E M Austin abt 1840 Ill White Male Williams, Edward Pleasant Valley abt 1864 Minnesota White Male Williams, Elizabeth A Austin abt 1860 Ill White Female Williams, Ellen Pleasant Valley abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Williams, Emma E Austin abt 1857 Massachusetts White Female Williams, Emmeline Lansing abt 1836 New York White Female Williams, Flora Lansing abt 1861 Wisconsin White Female Williams, Frank Lansing abt 1866 Minnesota White Male Williams, George Austin abt 1863 Ill White Male Williams, George Lansing abt 1832 New York White Male Williams, George Lansing abt 1864 Wisconsin White Male Williams, Gertrude Pleasant Valley abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Williams, Gilman L Austin abt 1829 Maine White Male Williams, Ira Pleasant Valley abt 1862 Minnesota White Male Williams, Irene Pleasant Valley abt 1844 Indiana White Female Williams, Irene Pleasant Valley abt 1845 Pennsylvania White Female Williams, John Austin abt 1834 Wales White Male Williams, John Pleasant Valley abt 1805 Vermont White Male Williams, John Pleasant Valley abt 1832 New York White Male Williams, John Pleasant Valley abt 1852 Michigan White Male Williams, Joseph Pleasant Valley abt 1834 Pennsylvania White Male Williams, Joseph Ann Austin abt 1867 Ill White Female Williams, L J Austin abt 1846 New York White Male Williams, Luther Pleasant Valley abt 1846 New York White Male Williams, Malvin Pleasant Valley abt 1860 Minnesota White Male Williams, Margaret Austin abt 1864 Ill White Female Williams, Mary Pleasant Valley abt 1864 Minnesota White Female Williams, Mary A Austin abt 1840 P E Island White Female Williams, Mary E Austin abt 1828 Massachusetts White Female Williams, Mary J Austin abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Williams, Minnie Pleasant Valley abt 1854 New York White Female Williams, Roger Pleasant Valley abt 1867 Minnesota White Male Williams, Royal Pleasant Valley abt 1866 Minnesota White Male Williams, Smith Pleasant Valley abt 1852 New York White Male Williams, Susan Austin abt 1844 Canada E White Female Williams, Susan Austin abt 1866 Ill White Female Williams, Ursula Pleasant Valley abt 1858 Minnesota White Female Williamson, John Frankford abt 1845 Ohio White Male Wilson, Ann Pleasant Valley abt 1868 Minnesota White Female Wilson, Cassius Frankford abt 1855 Ohio White Male Wilson, Charles Grand Meadow abt 1840 New York White Male Wilson, Charlotte Frankford abt 1822 New York White Female Wilson, Cyril Pleasant Valley abt 1834 Pennsylvania White Male Wilson, Edward Pleasant Valley abt 1866 Indiana White Male Wilson, Elmer Pleasant Valley abt 1867 Minnesota White Male Wilson, Emily Pleasant Valley abt 1845 Indiana White Female Wilson, Geo Austin abt 1846 New York White Male Wilson, George Pleasant Valley abt 1837 Indiana White Male Wilson, Herbert Frankford abt 1853 Ohio White Male Wilson, James Austin abt 1843 New York White Male Wilson, Martha Pleasant Valley abt 1840 Pennsylvania White Female Wilson, Mary Pleasant Valley abt 1863 Minnesota White Female Wilson, Samuel Frankford abt 1822 New York White Male Wilson, William Pleasant Valley abt 1865 Minnesota White Male Wing, Albert Grand Meadow abt 1847 New York White Male Winn, Wm Lyle abt 1832 Ireland White Male Winslow, Borney Austin abt 1830 Prussia White Male Wise, Elias Racine abt 1825 Pennsylvania White Male Wise, Elizabeth Racine abt 1845 Pennsylvania White Female Wise, Sarah Racine abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Witter, Antoinette Frankford abt 1858 Illinois White Female Witter, Esther Frankford abt 1792 New York White Female Witter, Esther Frankford abt 1832 New York White Female Witter, Esther Frankford abt 1862 Wisconsin White Female Witter, Joseph Frankford abt 1867 Minnesota White Male Witter, May Frankford abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Witter, Milo Frankford abt 1829 Ohio White Male Witter, Milo Frankford abt 1860 Illinois White Male Wittine, Clara Lansing abt 1863 Minnesota White Female Wittine, John Lansing abt 1845 New York White Male Wittine, Martha Lansing abt 1835 England White Female Wold, Knud Austin abt 1846 Norway White Male Wold, Stina Austin abt 1854 Norway White Female Wolf, Charles Red Rock abt 1842 Pennsylvania White Male Wolf, John Austin abt 1809 Deutschland White Male Wolfe, Alexander Pleasant Valley abt 1860 Iowa White Male Wolfe, David Pleasant Valley abt 1867 Iowa White Male Wolfe, Eliza Pleasant Valley abt 1835 Ohio White Female Wolfe, Henry Pleasant Valley abt 1863 Iowa White Male Wolfe, John Lansing abt 1851 Wisconsin White Male Wolfe, John Pleasant Valley abt 1838 Ohio White Male Wolfe, Joseph Pleasant Valley abt 1864 Iowa White Male Wolfe, Louisa Pleasant Valley abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Wolfe, Mary Pleasant Valley abt 1858 Indiana White Female Wolfe, William Pleasant Valley abt 1854 Indiana White Male Wood, Charles Frankford abt 1856 Pennsylvania White Male Wood, Elizabeth Frankford abt 1868 Minnesota White Female Wood, Ellen Racine abt 1848 Maine White Female Wood, Emma Jean Racine abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Wood, Evalina Racine abt 1867 Minnesota White Female Wood, Florence Frankford abt 1861 Minnesota White Female Wood, George Frankford abt 1830 Pennsylvania White Male Wood, George Frankford abt 1865 Minnesota White Male Wood, George Lansing abt 1832 New York White Male Wood, Helen Austin abt 1835 New York White Female Wood, Helen Racine abt 1847 Vermont White Female Wood, Ida J Austin abt 1859 Minnesota White Female Wood, Isaiah Austin abt 1843 Indiana White Male Wood, Jane Frankford abt 1834 Pennsylvania White Female Wood, Jemima Austin abt 1844 Ohio White Female Wood, Jesse Racine abt 1840 New York White Male Wood, John Austin abt 1845 Ohio White Male Wood, Jonah Racine abt 1837 New York White Male Wood, Louisa Racine abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Wood, May Frankford abt 1863 Minnesota White Female Wood, Ovid Austin abt 1855 Illinois White Male Wood, Thos Austin abt 1850 Ill White Male Wood, William Austin abt 1844 New Hampshire White Male Wood, Willie Austin abt 1861 Minnesota White Male Woodard, Cornelia Austin abt 1802 Massachusetts White Female Woodard, Cornelia Windom abt 1803 Massachusetts White Female Woodard, Fannie Austin abt 1845 Massachusetts White Female Woodard, Frances A Lyle abt 1849 New York White Female Woodard, Henry Frankford abt 1847 Ohio White Male Woodard, James Frankford abt 1845 Ohio White Male Woodard, Jekiah Lyle - - - - Woodard, John Windom abt 1796 New York White Male Woodard, Julia E Austin abt 1854 Ohio White Female Woodard, Kinney Austin abt 1859 Wisconsin White Male Woodard, Lucretia Austin abt 1821 New York White Female Woodard, Mary E Austin abt 1848 Ohio White Female Woodard, Selden Austin abt 1839 Ohio White Male Woodard, T W Austin abt 1819 New York White Male Woodard, Thurl Lyle Woodard, Thurl Lyle abt 1842 New York White Male Woodard, Ulysses G Austin abt 1862 Wisconsin White Male Woodard, Wm W Austin abt 1850 Ohio White Male Woodbury, Bertha Dexter abt 1870 Minnesota White Female Woodbury, Emma Dexter abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Woodbury, Nathan Dexter Woodbury, Sarah Dexter abt 1848 Massachusetts White Female Woodbury, Thomas Dexter abt 1843 Alabama White Male Woodred, Abram Grand Meadow abt 1840 New York White Male Woods, Charles Adams abt 1837 Ireland White Male Woodson, Albert Austin abt 1866 Minnesota White Male Woodson, Cynthia A Austin abt 1833 Indiana White Female Woodson, Elizabeth Austin abt 1849 Illinois White Female Woodson, George Austin abt 1856 Minnesota White Male Woodson, Henry Austin abt 1858 Minnesota White Male Woodson, M J Austin abt 1823 Kentucky White Male Woodson, Margaret Austin abt 1851 Ill White Female Woodson, Maria Austin abt 1812 Virginia White Female Woodson, Sarah June Austin abt 1867 Minnesota White Female Woodson, William Austin abt 1854 Iowa White Male Woodson, Wm A Austin abt 1818 Kentucky White Male Woodward, Arvilla Waltham abt 1827 Vermont White Female Woodward, Ezra Waltham abt 1861 Minnesota White Male Woodward, Henry Waltham abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Woodward, John Waltham abt 1828 Vermont White Male Woodward, Julia Waltham abt 1836 Vermont White Female Woodward, Laura Waltham abt 1858 Illinois White Female Woodward, Nellie Waltham abt 1863 Minnesota White Female Woodward, Silly Waltham abt 1866 Minnesota White Female Woodward, Warren Waltham abt 1835 Vermont White Male Woodworth, Alfred Frankford abt 1858 Minnesota White Male Woodworth, Alice Frankford abt 1863 Minnesota White Female Woodworth, Ben Frankford abt 1827 New York White Male Woodworth, Lovina Frankford abt 1832 New York White Female Woodworth, Namaan Frankford abt 1798 New York White Male Woodworth, Robert Frankford abt 1853 Iowa White Male Woodworth, Triphena Frankford abt 1804 New York White Female Wooley, George Red Rock abt 1819 New Jersey White Male Worden, Geo J Austin abt 1837 Michigan White Male Worden, Irving I Austin abt 1867 Michigan White Male Worden, Louisa M Austin abt 1843 Pennsylvania White Female Worden, Sophia R Austin abt 1863 Minnesota White Female Wright, Alanson Windom abt 1815 New York White Male Wright, Almira Frankford abt 1847 New York White Female Wright, Amanda Frankford abt 1841 New York White Female Wright, Benedict Udolpho abt 1867 Minnesota White Male Wright, Benjamin Frankford abt 1838 New York White Male Wright, Charles Austin abt 1870 Minnesota White Male Wright, Charlotte Udolpho abt 1868 Minnesota White Female Wright, David Austin abt 1867 Wisconsin White Male Wright, Emma Windom abt 1848 New York White Female Wright, Ernest Frankford abt 1865 Minnesota White Male Wright, Frank Udolpho abt 1858 Minnesota White Male Wright, George Austin abt 1859 Minnesota White Male Wright, George B Windom abt 1843 New York White Male Wright, Henry Udolpho abt 1864 Minnesota White Male Wright, J G Austin abt 1833 New York White Male Wright, James Frankford abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Wright, James Udolpho abt 1862 Minnesota White Male Wright, Joel Frankford abt 1837 New York White Male Wright, Lillian Frankford abt 1862 Minnesota White Female Wright, Lydia Windom abt 1818 New York White Female Wright, Mary Udolpho abt 1854 Kentucky White Female Wright, Mary J Austin abt 1835 England White Female Wright, Rosanna Udolpho abt 1859 Minnesota White Female Wright, Sarah J Austin abt 1850 Canada E White Female Wright, Sherman Austin abt 1858 Wisconsin White Male Wright, William Lansing abt 1830 New York White Male Wright, William Udolpho abt 1831 Ireland White Male Wright, William Udolpho abt 1860 Minnesota White Male Wrosight, Mary Pleasant Valley abt 1850 New York White Female Yates, J B Austin abt 1829 New York White Male Yates, James T Austin abt 1865 Minnesota White Male Yates, John Austin abt 1822 New York White Male Yates, Mary Austin abt 1868 Minnesota White Female Yates, Rebecca A Austin abt 1844 New York White Female Yates, Sarah A Austin abt 1860 Vermont White Female York, Oscar Red Rock abt 1850 Connecticut White Male Zeller, Albert Austin abt 1862 Minnesota White Male Zeller, Caroline Austin abt 1827 Pennsylvania White Female Zeller, Peter Austin abt 1834 Deutschland White Male Zimmerman, Anna Racine abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Zimmerman, Catherine Racine abt 1845 Canada White Female Zimmerman, Elizabeth Racine abt 1810 Hesse-Darmstadt White Female Zimmerman, Peter Racine abt 1843 Canada White Male |
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By Kermit Kittleson & Kathy Pike