- Q to R - |
NAME TOWNSHIP BIRTH BIRTHPLACE COLOR SEX ======================= =============== ======== ==================== ===== ====== Quackenbush, Alma Frankford abt 1868 Minnesota White Male Quackenbush, Angeline Frankford abt 1847 Wisconsin White Female Quackenbush, H Frankford abt 1842 New York White Male Quain, Hannah Austin abt 1805 Ireland White Female Quinn, Andrew Grand Meadow abt 1848 Wisconsin White Male Quinn, James Austin abt 1853 Ireland White Female Quinn, James Grand Meadow abt 1843 New York White Male Quinn, John Grand Meadow abt 1858 Wisconsin White Male Quirk, Josephine Austin abt 1851 Canada White Female Quirk, Neil Austin abt 1848 Canada White Male Radermacher, Frank Austin abt 1869 Michigan White Male Radermacher, Fredrica Austin abt 1835 Deutschland White Female Radermacher, Fredrica Austin abt 1866 Michigan White Female Radermacher, J F Austin abt 1835 Deutschland White Male Rafferty, Albion Frankford abt 1860 Wisconsin White Male Rafferty, Estella Frankford abt 1862 Minnesota White Female Rafferty, Frank Frankford abt 1836 New York White Male Rafferty, Frank Frankford abt 1867 Minnesota White Male Rafferty, Hellen Frankford abt 1844 New York White Female Rafferty, Mahlon Frankford abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Rallings, Alfred Waltham abt 1862 Wisconsin White Male Rallings, Amelia Waltham abt 1866 Minnesota White Female Rallings, Henry Waltham abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Rallings, Jane Waltham abt 1830 England White Female Rallings, Joseph Waltham abt 1859 Wisconsin White Male Rallings, Mary Ann Waltham abt 1863 Minnesota White Female Rallings, Reuben Waltham abt 1825 England White Male Ralph, Robt Lyle - - - - Rammel, Louis Nevada Ramspott, Amelia Austin abt 1861 Maryland White Female Ramspott, Amelia Grand Meadow abt 1861 Maryland White Female Ramspott, August Austin abt 1839 Deutschland White Male Ramspott, Augustus Austin abt 1863 Maryland White Male Ramspott, Augustus Grand Meadow abt 1862 Maryland White Male Ramspott, Charles Grand Meadow abt 1867 Maryland White Male Ramspott, Chas Austin abt 1866 Maryland White Male Ramspott, Elizabeth Grand Meadow abt 1836 Hesse-Darmstadt White Female Ramspott, Helena Austin abt 1836 Deutschland White Female Ramspott, Lillie Austin abt 1864 Maryland White Female Ramspott, Lilly Grand Meadow abt 1864 Maryland White Female Ramspott, Richard Grand Meadow abt 1840 Prussia White Male Rankin, Jane Dexter abt 1853 Canada White Female Rankin, William Windom - - - - Ranna, Hannah Racine abt 1787 Vermont White Female Ranney, Ellen Red Rock abt 1849 New York White Female Ransom, Lee Red Rock abt 1839 Wisconsin White Male Rasmerson, Andrew Nevada abt 1811 Norway White Male Rasmerson, Betsey Nevada abt 1812 Norway White Female Rasmerson, Christa Nevada abt 1846 Norway White Female Rasmerson, Neils Nevada abt 1854 Norway White Male Rasmuson, Ambrick Bennington abt 1866 Minnesota White Male Rasmuson, Ann Bennington abt 1835 Norway White Female Rasmuson, Elizabeth Bennington abt 1858 Norway White Female Rasmuson, Ellen Bennington abt 1870 Minnesota White Female Rasmuson, John Bennington abt 1864 Norway White Male Rasmuson, Martin Bennington abt 1868 Minnesota White Male Rasmuson, Rasmus Bennington abt 1830 Norway White Male Rasmuson, Rosams Bennington abt 1863 Norway White Male Rathburn, Alvira Frankford abt 1845 New York White Female Rathburn, Carrie Frankford abt 1863 New York White Female Rathburn, Clarence Frankford abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Rathburn, Eva Frankford abt 1864 Minnesota White Female Rathburn, James Frankford abt 1835 Ohio White Male Rathburn, John Frankford abt 1866 Minnesota White Male Ray, Mike Lyle abt 1847 Scotland White Male Rayan, Daniel Red Rock abt 1822 Ireland White Male Raymond, Frank Austin abt 1840 Bohemia White Male Reading, Thos Austin abt 1838 Ireland White Male Redfield, Addie Racine abt 1866 Minnesota White Female Redfield, Belah Racine Redfield, Charles Racine abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Redfield, Eudora Racine abt 1861 Wisconsin White Female Redfield, Fanny Racine abt 1798 Vermont White Female Redfield, Franklin Racine abt 1833 New York White Male Redfield, Franklin Racine abt 1860 Wisconsin White Male Redfield, Harry Racine abt 1858 Wisconsin White Male Redfield, Hulda Racine abt 1839 New York White Female Redfield, Jessie Racine abt 1864 Minnesota White Female Redfield, Mary Racine abt 1839 New Hampshire White Female Redfield, Nettie Racine abt 1865 Wisconsin White Female Redfield, Oscar Racine abt 1856 Wisconsin White Male Redfield, William Racine abt 1828 New York White Male Redford, E Lyle - - - - Reed, Clarence Racine abt 1859 Wisconsin White Male Reed, David Racine abt 1825 Massachusetts White Male Reed, Emery Racine abt 1854 New York White Male Reed, George Pleasant Valley abt 1851 New York White Male Reed, Hannah Udolpho abt 1828 New York White Female Reed, Harriett Udolpho abt 1851 New York White Female Reed, Isaac Udolpho abt 1814 New Jersey White Male Reed, Jennie Racine abt 1866 Wisconsin White Female Reed, Joseph Udolpho abt 1858 Wisconsin White Male Reed, Julia Racine abt 1862 Wisconsin White Female Reed, Mary Pleasant Valley abt 1820 Ireland White Female Reed, Robert Pleasant Valley abt 1800 Ireland White Male Reed, Sarah Pleasant Valley abt 1854 Illinois White Female Reed, Sarah Udolpho abt 1855 New York White Female Reed, Sophia Racine abt 1832 New York White Female Reed, William Udolpho abt 1848 Wisconsin White Male Regan, Bernard Adams abt 1864 Illinois White Male Regan, John Adams abt 1825 Ireland White Male Regan, Margaret Adams abt 1836 Ireland White Female Regan, Mary E Adams abt 1868 Minnesota White Female Regan, Michael Adams abt 1866 Minnesota White Male Regan, Pat Austin abt 1847 Ireland White Male Regan, Patrick Adams abt 1861 Illinois White Male Rek, Albert Pleasant Valley - - - - Rellinger, Francis Windom abt 1854 Scotland White Male Remington, Charles Grand Meadow abt 1813 New York White Male Remington, Eugene Grand Meadow abt 1847 New York White Male Remington, John Grand Meadow abt 1866 Minnesota White Male Remington, Mary Grand Meadow abt 1832 New York White Female Remington, William Grand Meadow abt 1863 Minnesota White Male Retzlaff, Theodore Austin abt 1857 Prussia White Male Rewood, Adda A Austin abt 1856 Ill White Female Rewood, Clara A Austin abt 1863 Minnesota White Female Rewood, Ella P Austin abt 1859 Minnesota White Female Rewood, Franklin F Austin abt 1861 Minnesota White Male Rewood, J B Austin abt 1829 Canada E White Male Rewood, Naomie Austin abt 1827 Canada W White Female Rewood, Thos A Austin abt 1866 Minnesota White Male Reynolds, Mary Austin abt 1846 New York White Female Reynolds, Perry Austin abt 1847 New York White Male Rhoades, Amelia Udolpho abt 1856 Pennsylvania White Female Rhoades, Harriett Udolpho abt 1858 Iowa White Female Rhoades, Loretta Udolpho abt 1856 Pennsylvania White Female Rhoades, Maria Udolpho abt 1824 New York White Female Rhoades, Minnie Lansing abt 1853 Pennsylvania White Female Rhoades, Oscar Udolpho abt 1847 New York White Male Rhodes, Daniel Austin abt 1852 New York White Male Rhodes, Fred Austin abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Rhodes, Hiram Austin abt 1855 New York White Male Rhodes, Hosea Austin abt 1850 New York White Male Rhodes, Israel Austin abt 1861 New York White Male Rhodes, John Austin abt 1824 New York White Male Rhodes, John Austin abt 1864 New York White Male Rhodes, Lovella Austin abt 1859 New York White Female Rhodes, Martha Austin abt 1867 Minnesota White Female Rhodes, Rachael Austin abt 1830 New York White Female Rhodes, Roxana Austin abt 1854 New York White Female Rhodes, Stephen Austin abt 1857 New York White Male Rice, Charles Grand Meadow abt 1852 Ohio White Male Rice, Charles L Austin abt 1865 Minnesota White Male Rice, Elizabeth Grand Meadow abt 1848 Ohio White Female Rice, Emma G Austin abt 1867 Minnesota White Female Rice, George Grand Meadow abt 1851 Ohio White Male Rice, Lucinda Austin abt 1842 New York White Female Rice, Mary Grand Meadow abt 1816 New York White Female Rice, Mary E Austin abt 1861 Minnesota White Female Rice, Samuel Austin abt 1834 Vermont White Male Rice, Silas Grand Meadow - - - - Rice, Silas Grand Meadow abt 1820 New York White Male Rice, William Grand Meadow abt 1862 Minnesota White Male Rich, S W Austin abt 1838 New York White Male Rich, William Austin abt 1830 Deutschland White Male Richards, George Austin abt 1847 Wisconsin White Male Richards, George Red Rock abt 1845 New York White Male Richards, Mary Austin abt 1831 England White Female Richards, Mary Austin abt 1853 New York White Female Richards, Mary V Austin abt 1854 Wisconsin White Female Richards, Minnie Austin abt 1858 Wisconsin White Female Richards, W A Austin abt 1849 Wisconsin White Male Richards, Wm Austin abt 1825 England White Male Richards, Wm Austin abt 1849 New York White Male Richardson, Alford Austin abt 1824 Vermont White Male Richardson, Betsey Nevada abt 1847 Norway White Female Richardson, Candace Austin abt 1836 Indiana White Female Richardson, Eddie Austin abt 1863 Vermont White Male Richardson, F A Austin abt 1836 Vermont White Male Richardson, Frederick Austin abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Richardson, James Austin abt 1863 Vermont White Male Richardson, Julia Austin abt 1865 Vermont White Female Richardson, Julia Nevada abt 1808 Norway White Female Richardson, Martha Udolpho abt 1858 Minnesota White Female Richardson, Mary Austin abt 1838 New York White Female Richardson, Nancy Udolpho abt 1854 Wisconsin White Female Richardson, Ole Nevada abt 1809 Norway White Male Richardson, Ole Nevada abt 1848 Norway White Male Richardson, Sally Udolpho abt 1822 England White Female Richardson, Stillman Udolpho abt 1864 Minnesota White Male Richardson, Thomas Udolpho abt 1820 England White Male Richardson, Thos Austin abt 1845 New York White Male Richardson, Walter Udolpho abt 1862 Minnesota White Male Richardson, William Udolpho abt 1848 England White Male Richardson, Willie Austin abt 1861 Vermont White Male Rickey, Eliza Austin abt 1856 Deutschland White Female Ridley, Robt Austin abt 1835 Scotland White Male Ridley, Thos Austin abt 1839 Ireland White Male Riley, Agnes Windom abt 1867 Wisconsin White Female Riley, Charles Windom abt 1822 Ireland White Male Riley, Charles Windom abt 1855 New York White Male Riley, Daniel Austin abt 1848 Ireland White Male Riley, Delin Windom abt 1834 Ireland White Female Riley, Francis Windom abt 1854 New York White Male Riley, George Windom abt 1862 Iowa White Male Riley, Thos Austin abt 1844 Ireland White Male Rimmel, Amelia Nevada abt 1866 Minnesota White Female Rimmel, Christian Nevada abt 1825 Deutschland White Female Rimmel, Emma Nevada abt 1861 Wisconsin White Female Rimmel, Louis Nevada abt 1826 Deutschland White Male Rimmel, March Nevada abt 1853 Deutschland White Male Rimmel, Pauline Nevada abt 1859 Wisconsin White Female Ripley, Christina Racine abt 1844 Pennsylvania White Female Ripley, Frank Racine abt 1867 Minnesota White Male Ripley, George Racine abt 1830 Pennsylvania White Male Ripley, George Racine abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Ripley, Lucy Racine abt 1862 New York White Female Ritter, Chloe Austin abt 1831 Vermont White Female Ritter, Ella Austin abt 1858 Michigan White Female Ritter, Sanford Austin abt 1832 New York White Male Roach, Elen Austin abt 1845 Ireland White Female Roach, Ida Windom abt 1846 Ohio White Female Roach, Julia Austin abt 1868 Minnesota White Female Roach, Michael Austin abt 1843 Ireland White Male Roasberry, W O Austin abt 1830 Ohio White Male Roberts, Adelbert Lyle abt 1866 Minnesota White Male Roberts, Anna Lyle abt 1859 Minnesota White Female Roberts, Benjamin Lyle abt 1863 Minnesota White Male Roberts, Chas H Lyle abt 1864 Minnesota White Male Roberts, Eunice Lyle abt 1861 Minnesota White Female Roberts, Eva Lyle abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Roberts, Henry Lyle abt 1832 Vermont White Male Roberts, Sarah J Lyle abt 1839 New York White Female Robertson, Andrew Windom abt 1828 Scotland White Male Robertson, Henrietta Windom abt 1865 Minnesota White Female Robertson, Jane Windom abt 1856 Wisconsin White Female Robertson, John Windom abt 1862 Minnesota White Male Robertson, Sarah Windom abt 1833 Massachusetts White Female Robertson, Sarah Windom abt 1858 Minnesota White Female Robertson, William Windom abt 1860 Minnesota White Male Robinson, A F Austin abt 1846 New York White Male Robinson, C C Austin abt 1832 New York White Male Robinson, Celia Grand Meadow abt 1858 Wisconsin White Female Robinson, Cook E Austin abt 1861 New York White Male Robinson, Cora Grand Meadow abt 1868 Minnesota White Female Robinson, Elizabeth Lansing abt 1840 New York White Female Robinson, Emily Lansing abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Robinson, Emily Racine abt 1830 New York White Female Robinson, Emma Racine abt 1862 Minnesota White Female Robinson, George Grand Meadow abt 1862 Minnesota White Male Robinson, George Lansing abt 1828 Vermont White Male Robinson, George Racine abt 1825 New York White Male Robinson, Harriet Grand Meadow abt 1826 New York White Female Robinson, Henry Lansing abt 1794 Vermont White Male Robinson, John Lansing abt 1841 New York White Male Robinson, Lewis Racine abt 1855 New York White Male Robinson, Lizzie Grand Meadow abt 1846 New York White Female Robinson, Lucy Grand Meadow abt 1865 Minnesota White Female Robinson, Margaret Lansing abt 1848 Illinois White Female Robinson, Mary Austin abt 1821 England White Female Robinson, Mary Grand Meadow abt 1852 Wisconsin White Female Robinson, Mary Lansing abt 1849 Illinois White Female Robinson, Otis Lansing abt 1865 Minnesota White Male Robinson, Sarah Lansing abt 1863 Minnesota White Female Robinson, Sarah Lansing abt 1870 Minnesota White Female Robinson, William Grand Meadow - - - - Robinson, William Lansing abt 1859 Minnesota White Male Robinson, Wm Grand Meadow abt 1820 New York White Male Rochford, Anna Austin abt 1858 Lower Canad W White Female Rochford, Catharine Austin abt 1801 Ireland White Female Rochford, James Austin abt 1865 Lower Canad W White Male Rochford, Jas Austin abt 1830 Lower Canad W White Male Rochford, John Austin abt 1840 Canada White Male Rochford, John Austin abt 1860 Lower Canad W White Male Rochford, Kitty May Austin abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Rochford, Mary Austin abt 1863 Lower Canad W White Female Rochford, Mary A Austin abt 1845 New York White Female Rochford, Mary R Austin abt 1867 Minnesota White Female Rochford, Netta J Austin abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Rochford, Niles J Austin abt 1860 Minnesota White Male Rochford, Pauline Austin abt 1836 Lower Canad W White Female Rochford, Thomas Austin abt 1856 Lower Canad W White Male Rockenbaux, Chas Austin abt 1808 Deutschland White Male Rockenbaux, Wilhemina Austin abt 1811 Deutschland White Female Rockwell, Archie Red Rock abt 1840 New York White Male Rockwell, Ellen Red Rock abt 1846 Illinois White Female Rockwell, Frank Red Rock abt 1845 New York White Male Roe, Ely Udolpho abt 1795 Vermont White Male Roe, Emily Udolpho abt 1844 Illinois White Female Roe, Frank Udolpho abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Roe, Heman Udolpho abt 1835 Illinois White Male Roe, Philo Udolpho abt 1831 Ohio White Male Rogers, Celia Lansing abt 1840 New York White Female Rogers, Henry Red Rock abt 1835 Vermont White Male Rogers, J M Austin abt 1821 Ohio White Male Rogers, Jerome Lansing abt 1832 New York White Male Rogers, Joshua F Austin abt 1860 Minnesota White Male Rogers, Margaret Austin abt 1823 Indiana White Female Rogers, Mary C Austin abt 1852 Indiana White Female Rogers, Nellie Lansing abt 1864 Minnesota White Female Rogers, Sarah Jane Austin abt 1849 Indiana White Female Rogers, Walter Lansing abt 1862 Minnesota White Male Rogers, William Lansing abt 1859 Minnesota White Male Rolfe, Don Merrill Austin abt 1849 Wisconsin White Male Rolfe, Eunice L Austin abt 1855 Wisconsin White Female Rolfe, Henry M Austin abt 1864 Minnesota White Male Rolfe, Huldah J Austin abt 1860 Wisconsin White Female Rolfe, Isabella Lyle abt 1857 Minnesota White Female Rolfe, John Lyle abt 1867 Minnesota White Male Rolfe, Lauretta Austin abt 1857 Wisconsin White Female Rolfe, Manetta Austin abt 1824 Vermont White Female Rolfe, Mary I Austin abt 1853 Wisconsin White Female Rolfe, Moses Austin abt 1822 Ohio White Male Rolfe, Pery G Austin abt 1861 Minnesota White Male Rolph, Caroline Lansing abt 1832 New York White Female Rolph, Daniel Pleasant Valley abt 1868 Minnesota White Male Rolph, Frances Pleasant Valley abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Rolph, Frank Red Rock abt 1849 New York White Male Rolph, Fred Lansing abt 1854 Wisconsin White Male Rolph, George Red Rock abt 1856 New York White Male Rolph, Henry Pleasant Valley abt 1844 New York White Male Rolph, John Red Rock abt 1848 Sweden White Male Rolph, Oliver Red Rock abt 1847 Michigan White Male Rolph, Robt Lyle abt 1823 England White Male Rolph, Sarah Pleasant Valley abt 1843 Illinois White Female Rolph, U N Austin abt 1843 Sweden White Male Romey, Alice Adams abt 1859 Minnesota White Female Romey, Catharine Adams abt 1866 Minnesota White Female Romey, Ellen Adams abt 1860 Minnesota White Female Romey, George Adams abt 1868 Minnesota White Male Romey, Lawrence Adams abt 1822 Ireland White Male Romey, Margaret Adams abt 1832 Ireland White Female Romey, Margaret Adams abt 1833 Ireland White Female Romey, Mary Adams abt 1863 Minnesota White Female Romey, Mary A Adams abt 1857 Iowa White Female Romey, Matthew Adams abt 1859 Minnesota White Male Romey, Patrick Adams abt 1860 Minnesota White Male Romey, Patrick F Adams abt 1834 Ireland White Male Romey, Thomas Adams abt 1861 Minnesota White Male Romey, Thomas Adams abt 1863 Minnesota White Male Rooney, Agnes Adams abt 1862 Minnesota White Female Rooney, Alice Adams abt 1858 Iowa White Female Rooney, Bridgett Adams abt 1822 Ireland White Female Rooney, Bridgett Adams abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Rooney, Catharine Adams abt 1820 Ireland White Female Rooney, Catharine Adams abt 1867 Minnesota White Female Rooney, Ellen Adams abt 1863 Minnesota White Female Rooney, Frank Adams abt 1850 New York White Male Rooney, Martin Adams abt 1852 New York White Male Rooney, Mary Adams abt 1857 Illinois White Female Rooney, Mary A Adams abt 1855 New York White Female Rooney, Matthew Adams abt 1865 Minnesota White Male Rooney, Murtha Adams abt 1825 Ireland White Male Rooney, Pat Austin abt 1847 Ireland White Male Rooney, Patrick M Adams abt 1824 Ireland White Male Rooney, Winnie Adams abt 1859 Illinois White Female Roostrey, Ann Austin abt 1865 Norway White Female Roostrey, John Austin abt 1862 Norway White Male Roostrey, Mary Austin abt 1833 Norway White Female Roostrey, Ontoin Austin abt 1834 Norway White Male Root, Albert Grand Meadow abt 1858 Wisconsin White Male Root, Carrie Grand Meadow abt 1865 Minnesota White Female Root, Guy Grand Meadow abt 1866 Minnesota White Male Root, Hannah Grand Meadow abt 1836 New York White Female Root, Luman Grand Meadow abt 1855 Wisconsin White Male Root, Riley Grand Meadow abt 1853 Wisconsin White Male Root, Sidney Grand Meadow abt 1863 Minnesota White Male Root, William Grand Meadow abt 1825 Ohio White Male Rorbranson, Betsey Nevada abt 1827 Norway White Female Rorbranson, Halvor Nevada abt 1864 Norway White Male Rorbranson, Ole Nevada abt 1821 Norway White Male Rose, Augustus Austin abt 1838 New York White Male Rose, Jesse Nevada abt 1808 New York White Male Rose, John W Austin abt 1802 New York White Male Rose, Josept Nevada abt 1850 Illinois White Male Rose, Louisa Nevada abt 1819 New York White Female Rose, Lydia Nevada abt 1859 Illinois White Female Rose, Mark Austin abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Rose, Mary Nevada abt 1862 Illinois White Female Rose, Mary A Austin abt 1840 New York White Female Rose, Mary A Austin abt 1848 L Canada White Female Rose, Mary E Austin abt 1798 Connecticut White Female Rose, William Nevada abt 1856 Illinois White Male Rosefeldt, Andrew Grand Meadow abt 1852 Norway White Male Rosefeldt, Hans Grand Meadow abt 1850 Norway White Male Rosefeldt, Martin Grand Meadow abt 1852 Norway White Male Roseman, John Red Rock abt 1838 Pennsylvania White Male Rosemerson, Chris Red Rock abt 1846 Norway White Male Rosenbar, George Waltham abt 1850 New York White Male Rosmusen, Anderson Austin abt 1865 Wisconsin White Male Rosmusen, Annie M Austin abt 1868 Wisconsin White Female Rosmusen, Elise K Austin abt 1840 Denmark White Female Rosmusen, Lars C Austin abt 1843 Denmark White Male Rosmusen, Q W D Austin abt 1861 Denmark White Male Rosney, Cecelia Lyle abt 1863 Iowa White Female Rosney, James Lyle abt 1828 Ireland White Male Rosney, James H Lyle abt 1865 Iowa White Male Rosney, John Adams abt 1858 Iowa White Male Rosney, Mary Adams abt 1828 Ireland White Female Rosney, Mary Adams abt 1861 Minnesota White Female Rosney, Mary Lyle abt 1843 Ill White Female Rosney, Mary E Lyle abt 1867 Iowa White Female Rosney, Thomas Adams abt 1828 Ireland White Male Rosney, Wm L Lyle abt 1860 Iowa White Male Ross, Laura E Austin abt 1864 Minnesota White Female Ross, Lizzie M Austin abt 1862 Wisconsin White Female Ross, Mary Austin abt 1840 England White Female Ross, Mary Frankford abt 1789 New York White Female Ross, Sarah Austin abt 1868 Minnesota White Female Ross, William Austin abt 1860 Wisconsin White Male Ross, Wm C Austin abt 1830 New York White Male Rossen, Anna Red Rock abt 1836 New York White Female Rossen, Charles Red Rock abt 1832 New York White Male Rossen, Hannah Red Rock abt 1862 Wisconsin White Female Rossen, James Red Rock abt 1853 New York White Male Rossen, John Red Rock - - - - Rossen, Martha Red Rock abt 1857 Wisconsin White Female Rossen, Mary Red Rock abt 1859 Wisconsin White Female Rossen, Norman Red Rock abt 1864 Minnesota White Male Rossiter, Chas Austin abt 1838 Scotland White Male Rossiter, Rose Austin abt 1846 Wisconsin White Female Rouch, Olive Windom abt 1861 Wisconsin White Female Round, Ellen Udolpho abt 1852 New York White Female Rowley, Dwight Pleasant Valley abt 1847 Connecticut White Male Rowley, Joseph Pleasant Valley abt 1823 Connecticut White Male Rowley, Roxana Pleasant Valley abt 1829 Connecticut White Female Rudy, Clayton Frankford abt 1868 Indiana White Male Rudy, Effie Frankford abt 1864 Indiana White Female Rudy, Jane Frankford abt 1842 Indiana White Female Rudy, Philip Frankford abt 1832 Virginia White Male Rugg, Barbary Red Rock abt 1836 New York White Female Rugg, Hattie Red Rock abt 1864 Minnesota White Female Rugg, John Red Rock abt 1834 New York White Male Rugg, Mary Red Rock abt 1862 Minnesota White Female Rugg, Minnie Red Rock abt 1858 Minnesota White Female Ruland, Anna A Windom abt 1856 Illinois White Female Ruland, Charles H Windom abt 1861 Minnesota White Male Ruland, Emma M Windom abt 1865 Minnesota White Female Ruland, James J Windom abt 1867 Minnesota White Female Ruland, John C Windom abt 1821 New York White Male Ruland, Mary A Windom abt 1838 Canada White Female Ruland, Sarah J Windom abt 1863 Minnesota White Female Ruland, Silas C Windom abt 1800 New York White Male Ruland, Silas S Windom abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Runkin, Archibald Windom abt 1860 Indiana White Male Runkin, Elizabeth Windom abt 1830 Pennsylvania White Female Runkin, William Windom abt 1825 Pennsylvania White Male Runselman, James Austin abt 1844 Deutschland White Male Russel, Ann Racine abt 1847 Ireland White Female Russel, Mary Racine abt 1870 Minnesota White Female Russel, Matthew Racine abt 1832 Ireland White Male Russell, George Udolpho abt 1840 Missouri White Male Rutherford, Charlott Austin abt 1855 Missouri White Female Ruthford, Charlotte Lansing abt 1820 Ireland White Female Ruthford, Emma Lansing abt 1867 Minnesota White Female Ruthford, Marie Lansing abt 1852 Kentucky White Female Ruthford, Thomas Lansing abt 1858 Missouri White Male Ruthford, William Lansing abt 1823 Ireland White Male Ruthford, William Lansing abt 1865 Minnesota White Male Ryan, James Austin abt 1840 Ireland White Male Ryan, Michael Windom abt 1847 Ireland White Male |
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By Kermit Kittleson & Kathy Pike