- M - McKey to Myers |
NAME TOWNSHIP BIRTH BIRTHPLACE COLOR SEX ======================= =============== ======== ==================== ===== ====== McKey, Amos Racine abt 1860 Canada White Male McKey, B F Racine abt 1836 Canada White Male McKey, Charles Racine abt 1858 Canada White Male McKey, Clarissa Racine abt 1857 Canada White Female McKey, Fanny Racine abt 1838 Canada White Female McKey, Frederick Racine abt 1861 Canada White Male McKey, Joseph Racine abt 1847 Canada White Male McKey, Minnie Racine abt 1867 Minnesota White Female McKey, Myraette Racine abt 1864 Canada White Female McLaughlin, Jannie Lyle abt 1840 Canada White Male McMillen, Mike Austin abt 1846 Ireland White Male McMunn, Thomas Adams abt 1835 Ireland White Male McNeill, Albert Nevada abt 1850 Wisconsin White Male McNelly, Arthur Grand Meadow - - - - McNetta, Martin Lyle abt 1845 Ireland White Male McNiel, Alex Austin abt 1834 Canada W White Male McNiel, Cassa Austin abt 1848 Canada W White Female McNiel, Jane Austin abt 1845 Iowa White Female McNiel, Mary Austin abt 1836 Ohio White Female McNiel, Wm B Austin abt 1817 New York White Male McWhorter, Janette S Austin abt 1823 New York White Female McWhorter, Milo Austin abt 1821 New York White Male Meany, Evelin Austin abt 1870 Minnesota White Female Meany, Kate Austin abt 1848 Lower Canada White Female Meany, M Austin abt 1867 Minnesota White Female Meany, Wm Austin abt 1846 Minnesota White Male Meard, Dennis Austin abt 1847 Ill White Male Meeker, Benjamin Racine abt 1791 Connecticut White Male Mehan, Bridgett Bennington abt 1854 Wisconsin White Female Mehan, Catharine Bennington abt 1819 Ireland White Female Mehan, John Bennington abt 1820 Ireland White Male Mehan, Lawrence Bennington abt 1855 Wisconsin White Male Mehan, Mary Bennington abt 1857 Wisconsin White Female Mehan, Michael Bennington abt 1859 Wisconsin White Male Mehan, Morris Bennington abt 1851 Massachusetts White Male Mehlin, Anna Nevada abt 1802 Deutschland White Female Mehner, John Bennington - - - - Mehus, Edward Windom abt 1836 England White Male Mehus, Esther Windom abt 1845 Indiana White Female Mehus, Frederick Windom abt 1868 Minnesota White Male Mehus, John Windom abt 1863 Oregon White Male Mehus, Olive Windom abt 1866 Wisconsin White Female Mehus, Walter Windom abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Mehus, William M Windom abt 1864 Oregon White Female Meigs, A E Austin abt 1836 New York White Male Meigs, Bertie Austin abt 1863 Wisconsin White Male Meigs, Earnest Austin abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Meigs, Julia Austin abt 1865 Wisconsin White Female Meigs, Mary P Austin abt 1838 New York White Female Meigs, Nellie Austin abt 1857 Wisconsin White Female Melody, Charles Austin abt 1862 Minnesota White Male Melody, James Austin abt 1860 Minnesota White Male Melody, John Austin abt 1812 Ireland White Male Melody, Kate E Austin abt 1864 Minnesota White Female Melody, Margaret Austin abt 1827 Ireland White Female Melody, Mary A Austin abt 1853 Ill White Female Melody, Mary Anne Austin abt 1852 New York White Female Melody, Sarah J Austin abt 1854 Ill White Female Melody, William Austin abt 1862 Minnesota White Male Merchant, Anna Lansing abt 1843 Illinois White Female Merchant, Edith Lansing abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Merchant, Frank Lansing abt 1842 France White Male Meriam, Charles Frankford abt 1847 New York White Male Meriam, Edwin Frankford abt 1850 Maine White Male Mern, Andrew Bennington abt 1865 Norway White Male Mern, Annie Bennington abt 1862 Norway White Female Mern, Emma Bennington abt 1867 Norway White Female Mern, Jennie Bennington abt 1837 Norway White Female Mern, Joseph Bennington abt 1870 Minnesota White Male Mern, Lena Bennington abt 1860 Norway White Female Mern, Ole Bennington abt 1840 Norway White Male Merrick, George Austin abt 1843 Maine White Male Merrick, Hattie Austin abt 1853 Wisconsin White Female Merrick, Mary E Austin abt 1838 New York White Female Merrick, W H Austin abt 1833 Maine White Male Merrill, Ella M Windom abt 1861 Minnesota White Female Merrill, Hattie E Windom abt 1868 Minnesota White Female Merrill, John Windom abt 1833 England White Male Merrill, Matilda Windom abt 1835 Pennsylvania White Female Merriman, M Austin abt 1837 Ireland White Female Merry, Catherine Lyle abt 1815 Ireland White Female Merry, Eben L Lyle abt 1810 New York White Male Merry, Francelia Lyle abt 1858 Minnesota White Female Merryman, Maria Austin abt 1848 Ireland White Female Meyer, John Austin abt 1841 Deutschland White Male Meyer, John Austin abt 1860 Deutschland White Male Meyer, Joseph Austin abt 1835 Deutschland White Male Meyer, Magdalena Austin abt 1806 Deutschland White Female Meyer, Magdalena Austin abt 1834 Deutschland White Female Meyer, Mary Austin abt 1862 Deutschland White Female Meyer, Mike Austin abt 1856 Deutschland White Male Meyer, Susannah Austin abt 1868 Deutschland White Female Meyer, Teresa Austin abt 1867 Deutschland White Female Meyers, Edward Windom - - - - Meyers, J M Austin abt 1845 Massachusetts White Male Michaelson, Calia Lansing abt 1830 Norway White Female Michaelson, Michael Lansing abt 1861 Minnesota White Male Michaelson, Ole Lansing abt 1807 Norway White Male Michelson, Gulbrand Austin abt 1827 Norway White Male Mickerson, Mickls Nevada abt 1848 Norway White Male Micklison, Ole Austin abt 1850 Norway White Male Mikhelson, Betsey Austin abt 1849 Norway White Female Miles, Woodville Frankford abt 1850 New York White Male Millenbeck, Cozent Adams abt 1833 Deutschland White Male Millenbeck, John Adams abt 1864 Deutschland White Male Millenbeck, John Adams abt 1870 Deutschland White Male Millenbeck, Joseph Adams abt 1867 Deutschland White Male Millenbeck, Kate Adams abt 1866 Deutschland White Female Millenbeck, Magdalene Adams abt 1833 Deutschland White Female Millenbeck, Peter Adams abt 1862 Deutschland White Male Millenbeck, Stephen Adams abt 1861 Deutschland White Male Miller, Albert Lyle abt 1867 Minnesota White Male Miller, Betsey Lyle abt 1842 New York White Female Miller, Burke A Lyle abt 1864 New York White Male Miller, Burkhart Lyle abt 1857 Ill White Male Miller, Catharine Lyle abt 1868 Minnesota White Female Miller, Chester Udolpho - - - - Miller, Dortee Lyle abt 1866 New York White Female Miller, Eleaner Lyle abt 1835 Ohio White Female Miller, Eliza Lyle abt 1861 New York White Female Miller, Elizabeth Lyle abt 1868 Minnesota White Female Miller, Henry Bennington abt 1825 Deutschland White Male Miller, Henry Lyle abt 1855 Ill White Male Miller, Julia Lyle abt 1858 Ill White Female Miller, Lyman Racine abt 1844 New York White Male Miller, M B Lyle abt 1822 Deutschland White Male Miller, Mary Bennington abt 1828 Deutschland White Female Miller, Mary Lyle abt 1865 Minnesota White Female Miller, Nancy Lyle abt 1860 Ill White Female Miller, Nathan Lyle abt 1863 Minnesota White Male Miller, Philip B Lyle abt 1842 New York White Male Milligan, Eva Pleasant Valley abt 1861 Wisconsin White Female Milligan, Jacob Pleasant Valley abt 1841 Ireland White Male Milligan, John Pleasant Valley abt 1816 Ireland White Male Milligan, Mary Pleasant Valley abt 1853 Wisconsin White Female Milligan, Myraette Pleasant Valley abt 1817 New York White Female Mills, Abbie Windom abt 1838 Vermont White Female Mills, Albert Austin abt 1849 New York White Male Mills, Byron B Austin abt 1858 New York White Male Mills, Edward Pleasant Valley abt 1830 Virginia White Male Mills, Edwin Windom abt 1861 Minnesota White Male Mills, Eliza Austin abt 1809 New York White Female Mills, Eliza Austin abt 1853 New York White Female Mills, Eliza Windom abt 1863 Minnesota White Female Mills, Ellen Austin abt 1837 New York White Female Mills, Emma E Austin abt 1856 New York White Female Mills, Fannie B Austin abt 1861 New York White Female Mills, Hannah P Austin abt 1827 New York White Female Mills, Henry Austin abt 1849 Vermont White Male Mills, Hugh Windom abt 1864 Minnesota White Male Mills, Hugh D Windom abt 1832 New York White Male Mills, James A Austin abt 1842 New York White Male Mills, Jennie Windom abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Mills, John C Austin abt 1833 New York White Male Mills, Jonathan Austin abt 1816 New York White Male Mills, Marietta Austin abt 1846 New York White Female Mills, Minnie Austin abt 1868 Minnesota White Female Mills, Nellie Austin abt 1806 New York White Female Mills, Peter Y Austin abt 1809 New York White Male Mills, Willie Austin abt 1862 New York White Male Mills, Wm A Austin abt 1861 Minnesota White Male Minner, Isaac Adams abt 1840 Ireland White Male Minnette, Eddy Austin abt 1868 Minnesota White Male Minnette, John Austin abt 1837 Canada E White Male Minnette, John Austin abt 1862 Minnesota White Male Minnette, Julia Austin abt 1865 Minnesota White Female Minnette, Mary Austin abt 1870 Minnesota White Female Minnette, Mary A Austin abt 1841 Rhode Island White Female Minnette, Thomas Austin abt 1867 Minnesota White Male Mitchell, C A Austin abt 1828 New York White Female Mitchell, Carrie Austin abt 1863 Minnesota White Female Mitchell, George Austin abt 1862 Minnesota White Male Mitchell, J A Austin abt 1851 New York White Male Mitchell, Jennie Austin abt 1857 Wisconsin White Female Mitchell, Willie S Austin abt 1858 Wisconsin White Male Mitchelson, Ole Grand Meadow abt 1839 Norway White Male Moe, Joel Austin abt 1836 New York White Male Moe, Joel Austin abt 1863 Ohio White Male Moe, N Jane Austin abt 1837 Ohio White Female Moe, Ninnie Austin abt 1866 Ohio White Female Moe, Norie Austin abt 1868 Ohio White Female Moe, Norman Austin abt 1859 Ohio White Male Moher, Delazon Lyle abt 1822 New York White Male Moher, Elizabeth Lyle abt 1824 Pennsylvania White Female Moher, George Lyle abt 1864 Minnesota White Male Moher, Harriet Lyle abt 1858 Minnesota White Female Moher, Henry Lyle abt 1850 Pennsylvania White Male Moher, Isaac W Lyle abt 1855 Minnesota White Male Moher, Oliver Lyle abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Mollison, Allan Austin abt 1839 Scotland White Male Mollison, D G B Nevada abt 1842 Scotland White Male Mollison, D S B Nevada Mollison, Fannie E Austin abt 1869 Minnesota White Female Mollison, George Nevada abt 1854 Canada White Male Mollison, Jennette M Austin abt 1842 New York White Female Mollison, Joseph Nevada abt 1857 Minnesota White Male Mollison, Jospehine Nevada abt 1856 Canada White Female Mollison, Lenw Nevada abt 1858 Minnesota White Female Mollison, Marry Nevada abt 1833 England White Female Mollison, Thomas Nevada abt 1860 Canada White Male Mollison, Wm T Austin abt 1866 Minnesota White Male Monroe, Charity S Austin abt 1818 New York White Female Monroe, John Austin abt 1805 Massachusetts White Male Moodelly, Arthur Grand Meadow abt 1827 Ireland White Male Moodelly, Daniel Grand Meadow abt 1850 Wisconsin White Male Moodelly, Dennis Grand Meadow abt 1858 Minnesota White Male Moodelly, Ellen Grand Meadow abt 1866 Minnesota White Female Moodelly, James Grand Meadow abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Moodelly, John Grand Meadow abt 1852 Wisconsin White Male Moodelly, Mary Grand Meadow abt 1832 Ireland White Female Moodelly, Mary Grand Meadow abt 1855 Iowa White Female Moodelly, Theresa Grand Meadow abt 1860 Minnesota White Female Moon, Arminta Nevada abt 1858 Ohio White Female Moon, Laura N Nevada abt 1868 Michigan White Female Moon, Mary Nevada abt 1828 Massachusetts White Female Moon, Silas Nevada abt 1832 New York White Male Moore, John Austin abt 1849 New York White Male Moore, Sandy Frankford abt 1835 New York White Male Moran, James Adams abt 1867 Minnesota White Male Moran, Mary Adams abt 1851 Illinois White Female Moran, Michael Adams abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Moran, Patrick Adams abt 1838 Ireland White Male Morgan, Alice Austin abt 1866 Iowa White Female Morgan, B F Austin abt 1833 Massachusetts White Male Morgan, Charlotte Austin abt 1861 Wisconsin White Female Morgan, Edward Austin abt 1864 Wisconsin White Male Morgan, Harry Austin abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Morgan, M C Austin abt 1837 Connecticut White Female Morgan, Margaret C Austin abt 1859 Wisconsin White Female Morn, Ole Bennington - - - - Moron, Dominick Adams abt 1850 Pennsylvania White Male Morrill, Arthur Lansing abt 1867 Minnesota White Male Morrill, Betsy Austin abt 1808 Vermont White Female Morrill, Blanchie Nevada abt 1866 Minnesota White Female Morrill, Edwin R Nevada abt 1844 Canada White Male Morrill, Eva Lansing abt 1858 Ohio White Female Morrill, Frances Nevada abt 1842 New York White Female Morrill, Freddie Nevada abt 1869 Minnesota White Male Morrill, Ira Lansing abt 1863 Minnesota White Male Morrill, John Austin abt 1805 New Hampshire White Male Morrill, Louisa Lansing abt 1856 Ohio White Female Morrill, Mary Lansing abt 1834 Ireland White Female Morrill, Thomas Lansing abt 1830 Vermont White Male Morrison, Anna Lansing abt 1867 Minnesota White Female Morrison, George Lansing abt 1862 Wisconsin White Male Morrison, James Lansing abt 1830 Scotland White Male Morrison, Johannah Austin abt 1852 Ireland White Female Morrison, John Lansing abt 1855 Scotland White Male Morrison, Margaret Lansing abt 1858 Wisconsin White Female Morrison, Thomas Austin abt 1789 England White Male Morrison, Violet Lansing abt 1834 Scotland White Female Morse, Alfred Austin abt 1817 Vermont White Male Morse, Alice M Austin abt 1858 Wisconsin White Female Morse, Chas Austin abt 1841 England White Male Morse, Jacob Austin abt 1816 England White Male Morse, Job Austin abt 1855 Michigan White Male Morse, Martha Austin abt 1825 Vermont White Female Morse, Mary Austin abt 1820 England White Female Morse, Obed Racine abt 1832 Connecticut White Male Morse, Ruth H Austin abt 1853 Ill White Female Mullen, Bridget Frankford abt 1852 Wisconsin White Female Mullen, Ellen Frankford abt 1854 Wisconsin White Female Mullen, James Frankford abt 1819 Ireland White Male Mullen, James Red Rock abt 1822 Ireland White Male Mullen, Mary Frankford abt 1822 Ireland White Female Mullen, Mek D Lyle - - - - Mullen, Nellie Austin abt 1852 Ireland White Female Muller, Caroline Udolpho abt 1836 Norway White Female Muller, Christopher Udolpho abt 1836 Denmark White Male Muller, Knute Udolpho abt 1867 Minnesota White Male Muller, Mary Udolpho abt 1864 Minnesota White Female Muller, Peter Udolpho abt 1866 Minnesota White Male Munier, Benjamin F Windom abt 1848 New York White Male Munier, Charles R Windom abt 1846 New York White Male Munier, Dora Windom abt 1864 Minnesota White Female Munier, Etta Windom abt 1858 Iowa White Female Munier, Hannah Windom abt 1863 Minnesota White Female Munier, Miron Windom abt 1856 Illinois White Male Munier, Sarah Windom abt 1822 Vermont White Female Munier, William Windom abt 1861 Minnesota White Male Murdock, Asa Frankford abt 1866 Minnesota White Male Murdock, Frank Frankford abt 1863 Minnesota White Male Murdock, Harriet Frankford abt 1827 Ohio White Female Murdock, Leroy Frankford abt 1858 Wisconsin White Male Murdock, Paul Frankford abt 1856 Ohio White Male Murdock, Semantha Frankford abt 1854 Ohio White Female Murdock, Sylvester Frankford abt 1826 New York White Male Murdock, Viola Frankford abt 1860 Wisconsin White Female Murphy, Calvin Austin abt 1851 Ireland White Male Murphy, Catharine Lyle abt 1865 Minnesota White Female Murphy, Cornelius Red Rock abt 1820 Ireland White Male Murphy, George Lyle abt 1858 Minnesota White Male Murphy, John Grand Meadow abt 1817 Ireland White Male Murphy, John Lyle abt 1861 Minnesota White Male Murphy, John P Austin abt 1826 Nova Scotia White Male Murphy, Margaret Lyle abt 1826 Ireland White Female Murphy, Martin Grand Meadow abt 1850 New Brunswick White Male Murphy, Matin Lyle abt 1843 Ireland White Male Murphy, Pat Austin abt 1843 Ireland White Male Murphy, Pat Lyle abt 1818 Ireland White Male Murphy, Peter J Austin abt 1852 Nova Scotia White Male Murphy, Thomas Lyle abt 1863 Minnesota White Male Murphy, Thos Austin abt 1845 Ireland White Male Murray, Ann E Windom abt 1852 Pennsylvania White Female Murray, Anny Windom abt 1859 Minnesota White Female Murray, Cordelia Windom abt 1848 Pennsylvania White Female Murray, Elvira Windom abt 1858 Minnesota White Female Murray, Geo B Austin abt 1812 Virginia White Male Murray, George Windom abt 1854 Minnesota White Male Murray, Hannah Windom abt 1861 Minnesota White Female Murray, James P Windom abt 1816 Pennsylvania White Male Murray, Jane Windom abt 1818 Mississippi White Female Murray, John Windom abt 1844 Pennsylvania White Male Murray, Lizzie Windom abt 1849 Pennsylvania White Female Murray, Sarah M Austin abt 1820 Georgia White Female Musser, Emi Lyle abt 1844 Ohio White Male Musser, Freelove Lyle abt 1846 Canada White Female Musser, Isaac M Lyle abt 1816 Ohio White Male Musser, Kesseah Lyle abt 1816 Ohio White Female Musser, Mary M Lyle abt 1850 Ohio White Female Musser, Warren F Lyle abt 1847 Ohio White Male Myer, Christian Nevada Myer, Christina Nevada abt 1868 Norway White Male Myer, Laurie Nevada abt 1860 Norway White Female Myer, Lois Nevada Myer, Luie Nevada abt 1817 Norway White Male Myer, Matthias Nevada abt 1860 Norway White Male Myer, Syrma Nevada abt 1820 Norway White Female Myers, Henry Pleasant Valley abt 1854 Prussia White Male |
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By Kermit Kittleson & Kathy Pike