Biographical Sketch of
Miles M. Trowbridge
Miles M. Trowbridge was born in Dover, Racine county, Wisconsin, May 22, 1843. The Trowbridge families were ancient landholders in England, and for many generations have been noted in warfare. The
grandfather of the subject of this sketch early instilled into the mind of young Miles his love of patriotism.
When the war of the rebellion broke out, Miles soon answered the call, enlisting in the 1st Wisconsin Infantry and going as one of the color guard in his company. At Perrysville he engaged in his first serious fight and bravely did his company sustain itself. They captured the flag of the 1st Tennessee and rescued the battery which belonged to the state of Indiana, therefore receiving her thanks and a present of a full complement of colors. Miles was reported mortally wounded.
By his father's careful nursing he pulled through and when sufficiently recovered was discharged as permanently disabled. In the fall of 1863 he removed to Lyle, Mower county, with is father. In September, 1864, he re-enlisted and was one of the chosen ones to enter the march to the sea.
After the war he returned to farming in Lyle. Feb. 22, 1869, he married Rachel Crawford, a schoolmate of his boyhood. He has held various town offices, and in 1877 was elected County Commissioner from the southwest district. He was very instrumental in the erection of our beautiful court house and when the people voted not to issue bonds for the purpose, he, with several others, voted to raise the necessary money by taxation, distributed over three years time. Miles was promoted to Register of Deeds, which office he held for six years. Since this time he has been engaged in the abstract business, being how in the employ of the Pacific Abstract company, of Portland, Oregon.
Submitted to MnGenWeb by Darrel K. Waters