Biographical Sketch of
Albert L. Sleeper
Albert L. Sleeper, of the firm of Sleeper & Sons, of Brownsdale, came to this country in the early war times, long before Brownsdale was a railroad
point. He is a genuine Vermonter by birth, which event took place at Fairfax, June 26, 1824. His father, who was of English decent, was born in Andover, N. H., December 25, 1797.
His grandfather was a soldier of the American side in the revolutionary war, and fought bravely at the battle of Bennington and elsewhere.
It is not often that one sees four generations living at the same time and beneath the same roof, but the visitor at the Sleeper residence in Brownsdale finds Moses Sleeper, the aged but remarkably active parent, Albert L., his son, Mrs. Delia Webb, the granddaughter, and master Bertie Webb, the great-grandson.
At the age of eighteen, his health being too delicate to longer do farm work, he went on the road selling butter, cheese, and other products in the large eastern cities.
He was married in Fairfax, June 8, 1847, to Miss Martha Elbertine Church. He lived in Lowell, Massachusetts, for some time, and entered in the drug business, in which he was engaged for nine years. During this period he conceived the idea of his unexcelled fly paper. It has had an increasing sale and demand during all the years since, until those not familiar with the business would be surprised to know how many reams are made up each year.
He first engaged in the mercantile business in Brownsdale, then bought a quarter section of land and farmed for six years. At one time he ran the daily stage to Austin, handling the mails. After this he again entered the drug business, and finally began dealing in dry goods, groceries, drugs and general merchandise, doing this year a $30,000 business. At different times he has established branch stores with good financial success, and now owns one in the village of Sargeant.
Submitted to MnGenWeb by Darrel K. Waters