Biographical Sketch of
J. B. Revord
J. B. Revord, who was born in Canada East, May 18, 1830, and was next to the youngest child of a family of eleven. He received a very scanty
education and at thirteen years, learned the shoe-maker's trade. At eighteen he went to Washington county, New Your, and worked three years at his trade. Then with John Lambert he stated westward, working at shoe-making in various places.
He was married in May, 1855, to Naoma Bero, and came to Austin the next years. He followed his trade for a while but, becoming land hungry, took up a quarter section in Lansing and built a log house on it. Here he lived until he went to the war; working most of the time in Austin, and going to and from his work on foot.
He enlisted in August, 1862, and three days after his company was ordered to New Ulm, to bury the victims of the Sioux Massacre. His regiment then went to Arkansas and Mr. Revord having been taken ill was sent to the hospital in Little rock. After passing through some pretty unpleasant war experiences he was honorably discharged on Aug. 24. He then resumed work at his trade for two years, then he brought a stock of boots and shoes and later traded his Lansing land for a store building. He then purchased a whole section in Windom.
Afterward he took his family to California and bought property there, but came back to Austin to live after a stay of six months. He now owns a pleasant home in Berry's addition and an entire block in Northwestern part of the city and two good stores on Main Street, beside other valuable property. All this he has acquired chiefly by hard work and strict economy, aided in a few instances by fortunate purchases.
Submitted to MnGenWeb by Darrel K. Waters