Biographical Sketch of
Albert E. Peck
The Hon. Albert E. Peck was born in Otsego County, New York, July 10, 1834. He removed with his parents to the town of Kirtland, Lake County, Ohio, when he was but four years old, where he grew to manhood, being reared to agricultural pursuits. When he was twenty-one years of age he
went to the town of Lafayette, Walworth County, Wisconsin, where he married in 1857, to Olive A. Huntington. She was born in the same town as her husband. She removed from the State of New York to Chicago, with her parents in 1845. Her father died in 1848.
In the spring of 1849, her mother with her family moved to Burlington, Racine County, Wisconsin, where Mr. and Mrs. Peck were married. Coming to Mower County in 1861, Mr. Peck settled in the town of Pleasant Valley, where he resided until his death, in 1876. He left a wife and six children, Celestia, Albert and Alfred, (twins), Frank E., George W. and Lawrence R. Mr. Peck was one of the representative men of Mower County.
Politically he was a Democrat. He represented his district in the legislature in 1874, being elected on what was known as the People's ticket. He was chairman of Pleasant Valley township board a number of years, and held other offices of trust. He was a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity: in fact he won an enviable name as an upright, estimable citizen, and in consequence was placed in many positions of trust. Mrs. Peck's daughter- Mrs. George Smith-resides in Dakota.
The sons are all unmarried. Mrs. Peck still owns the farm in Pleasant Valley, which, in connection with the farm she now occupies, makes nearly six hundred Acres. Mrs. Peck was married in 1877, to J.L. Schroyer.
The History of Mower County 1884
Transcribed by Mark Ashley