Biographical Sketch of
Rev. Alfred Morse
b: 1812
Among the hardworking and self-denying ministers of Austin in an early day, none is more highly regarded than Rev. Alfred Morse. He was born in Bath, Maine, June 23, 1812. Until 21 years of age Mr. Morse
worked at his father's trade, which was ship-joiner. After becoming of age the boy determined to secure a better education, and by his own efforts fitted for college, graduated at Waterville, and subsequently took a theological course at Bangor.
In 1847 he married Miss Mitchel, who has been to him a most helpful companion throughout all his ministry. Mr. Morse was ordained as a home missionary in 1848 and labored in that capacity until 1854, when he came west for his health, and for nearly three years was pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Maumee City, Ohio. He than became a missionary again for several years, when a change of climate became necessary and he came to Minnesota.
He arrived in Austin in 1854 and it was during his pastorate at the Congregational Church was built. Elder Morse went out on two soliciting tours to aid in its erection. He resigned in 1868 and again took up home mission work in the vicinity of Austin. During his various pastorates he has been instrumental in securing houses of worship for eight congregations and has organized five churches. To the temperance cause he has given hearty support and by his earnest, consistent life has had an influence for good wherever his lot has been cast.
Submitted to MnGenWeb by Darrel K. Waters