Robert J. Lyle was born on February 29, 1808 in Washington County, Pennsylvania. The Lyle family moved to Muskingum County, Ohio about 1817. Robert married Anna Evans on October 22, 1829 in Bearfield Township, Perry
County, Ohio. Anna was born March 12, 1811 in Muskingum County, Ohio. She is the daughter of Joseph Evans Sr. and Ruth Sayers-Evans.
Robert and Anna had five children: Marion Robert Lyle, Epaminondas Ewing Lyle “Erving”, Elizabeth Adaline Lyle, Dr. Alva Evans Lyle, and Melinda
June Lyle. Robert and Anna also had an adopted daughter, Esther “Martin” Lyle.
Robert was engaged in farming while living in Ohio. In 1856, Robert Lyle along with William Pace and their families moved to Mower County, Minnesota. William married Robert’s adopted daughter Esther. Robert located in the South West quarter of section 28. This land was purchased from Ed Sprague. Robert farmed and was the Mower County Probate Judge from 1861-66. Robert also served as one of the 8th District Representatives in the Republican Wing in 1857. He also worked on the Constitution for the State of Minnesota.
The area in Mower County where Robert settled was later named after him. Lyle Township was one of the first townships organized in 1858. The village of Lyle was originally comprised of 40 acres in section 36 of Lyle Township. It was platted on June 18, 1870 and incorporated on March 09, 1875.
In 1868 Robert Lyle and family moved to Bates County, Missouri where Robert farmed and also served as Post Master in the town of Papinsville. Anna Lyle died on December 01, 1888 and Robert died June 21, 1896. Both are buried in Rich Hill cemetery, Bates County, Missouri.
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©2006 Mark Ashley
Webization by Kermit Kittleson