Biographical Sketch of
Henry W. Lightly
Henry W. Lightly, born in western New York, Sept. 28, 1838, was the third in a family of six sons and five daughters. He first came to this state in 1858, but not to settle permanently until some years later.
In the spring of 1862 he enlisted in Co. H. Wisconsin Volunteers. His regiment went south and became a part of the corps of Grant's army. He took part in the Vicksburg campaign. After the tedious siege and capture of Vicksburg, Lightly was in the part of the army that drove Johnston out of the state. Prominent in other army events the regiment returned to Wisconsin and was discharged in July, 1865.
That fall Mr. Lightly came to Austin and purchased a quarter section. He followed lumbering winters and farming summers until '76, when he ceased the former work and began raising fancy stock. In '77 he was united in marriage to Lucy Elliot. They have had three children, two of whom are now living. He has enlarged his farm to half a section, building a fine residence and beautifying its surroundings with shade and fruit trees. He is a thorough Republican and believing in home manufacture, he makes all his grain into horses, hogs and cattle before marketing.
He has not sold a load of grain for five years and has occasionally bought some. He is now president of the Mower County Mutual Insurance Company. He was elected to the legislature in '84 and re-elected in '88. In the winter of '91 he was appointed by the governor on the Board of Equalization from the 10th District, and appointment that holds for two years.
Submitted to MnGenWeb by Darrel K. Waters