Biographical Sketch of
John Frank
John Frank was born in Germany, Feb. 13, 1834. Before he was fifteen his parents died. In the school of his native town he was drilled in a
thorough German manner. At 20 he came to America and remained in New York city for ten months, when he came to Illinois.
Stopping to visit friends he became acquainted with Miss Catherine Lachele, his future wife. In October following he reach Fillmore county. Thinking this was the most delightful country he had ever seen, he took up a claim in the town of Le Roy. He built a log cabin and lived alone until he was married, July 9, 1850. Beginning their new life with no other capital than strong and willing hands, active brains, and hearts warm with mutual affection, they began the task of building up a home and bringing under cultivation the wilderness around them.
By untiring industry and wise economy they now own a fourteen hundred acre farm, one of the finest and best improved in the county. One hundred cows furnish milk for the first limburger cheese factory in the state. He enlisted in 1861, and faithfully served his country till the war ended.
Elected to the legislature in 1882, he was an influential member during the session. In 1886 he was nominated on the Democratic ticket for lieutenant governor and came near being elected. He has given his children a good education, thoroughly believing such money well expended. One son and two daughters bless his home. He is a man honest in all his dealings and every ready to help those less fortunate in this world's goods.
Submitted to MnGenWeb by Darrel K. Waters