Biographical Sketch of
Ole O. Finhart
b: 1824
Ole O. Finhart was born about 120 miles from Norway's capital Jan. 7, 1824. When 24 years old he read a book which a Christiania man, who had
been prospecting in America, had written. Determined to see for himself he started out alone, coming to Wisconsin, near Madison.
In 1854 he, with fifteen others, came to this county and all settled in Frankford. He built him a log house out of his own timber, and in 1856 married Miss Carrie Hovda, a most efficient helper. Times were hard and Mr. Finhart worked out among the settlers to earn a little money. Each man had but a small crop and prices were low.
In 1865 he enlisted and served through that year on the Indian frontier. They saw no fighting but were exposed to great privations.
In November 1872, Mr. Finhart was elected to the state legislature, and served his term with credit to himself and his constituents. He was for many years a regular delegate to the county conventions, and it used to be said that one was not sure how the east side was going until he had seen Ole Finhart.
He was raised in the Lutheran church, and from his earliest years was instilled with the idea that nobility of character is true nobility, and that honest toil is preferable to ill-gotten gain. The principles he has carried out in his life and the result is that he received the fullest confidence and highest esteem of all who know him.
Mr. and Mrs. Finhart have six children living, the oldest of whom, Ole, having been jailor of this county for about four years while H. B. Corey was sheriff.
Submitted to MnGenWeb by Darrel K. Waters