Biographical Sketch of
Isaac Crandell
For about twenty years "Grandpa Crandell" lived in Austin, making his regular rounds among the business places, always a welcome and interesting visitor. He was born in Duchess county, N. Y., July 20, 1799,
being five months old at the time of Washington's death. Nearly all of his life was spent at this birthplace, where, by strict economy and good judgment, he succeeded in making farming pay.
In August, 1820, he married Catherine Knickerbocker, of good old Dutch stock. Mr. Crandell possessed a remarkable memory of the events of his early life. When but eight years of age he went to the Hudson river to see Fulton's steamboat make her trial trip. He had some recollections of the war of 1812, and remembered distinctly when the old stage coach was the only means of conveyance, and the Great Northwest," his future home, was almost unknown.
Ever a staunch Republican, he voted for every candidate of his part except one until the time of his death. He came to Austin in 1870, to live near his two surviving children. He built a home from himself at the corner of Main and Alleghany streets, and in his vigorous old age, took great pleasure working his garden and taking care of his home.
He died in December, 1889, his many years resulting, no doubt, from his regular and most excellent habits of life.
Submitted to MnGenWeb by Darrel K. Waters