Biographical Sketch of
John Beach
John Beach, whose father, Alanson Beach, served this country long as Chairman of the Board, and whose name is so familiar to all old settlers, was born in Albany county, New York, May 16, 1833. His education was
received in a country school and the winter after he was twenty years old he taught a term of school himself. The following spring he entered the employ of a lumber firm in Albany, expecting to make this his permanent business. But after a few months he was called to take charge of his aged grandfather's farm during his last illness and the settlement of his affairs after he was gone.
In the fall of 1855 he, in company with his father, came to Iowa to look for land, but when they came to live in the west, moved directly to Mower county. John was married to Catherine Morrison, September 3, 1856, and so brought his new wife to a western home. The journey was a tedious one, as were all journeys in those early times.
He took up a claim in Lyle, and resided there for three years. When his brother answered the call of his country and left his father's home, John removed to the old homestead and has never left it. He now owns r00 acres of land. He has been an assessor for eight or nine years and has always taken a great interest in school and town affairs. He is a at present a respected member of the board of County commissioners, having been elected for a second term in the fall of 1890.
Submitted to MnGenWeb by Darrel K. Waters