Mower County, Minnesota Group File 17 |
D. C. Sanbornb: 1844D. C. Sanborn, of Racine township, a veteran of the Civil war, was born in Canada, January 20, 1844, son of Stephen and Rhoda (Clement) Sanborn, who took him to Dodge county, Wisconsin, when he was in his first year. In 1861, D. C. and his father came to Racine township and purchased land, but the subject of this sketch enlisted almost at once in the Civil war. After serving his term of three months in the Second Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, he enlisted in Company C, Twelfth United States Infantry, and remained in active service until the close of the war, seeing active service at Cedar Mountain, Antietam, the second battle of Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, third Chancellorsville or Mine Run, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Hatches' bun, Pebble's Farm, Bethel Church, the Weldon Railroad, and in many minor engagements and continuous skirmishing. He received his discharge at Elmira, N. Y., April 21, 1865, and then returned to Racine township, where he purchased eighty acres of land in section 26, and farmed until 1900, in the meantime, from 1872 to 1882, buying and shipping cattle to Milwaukee and Chicago markets. Mr. Sanborn is an independent Republican and was town supervisor for thirteen years, as well as assessor eleven years. He was treasurer of his school district twenty-one years. The subject of this sketch was married November 25, 1865, to Sarah Hall, who died March 5, 1910. An adopted son, William C., is now in North Dakota. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Harry N. Sargeantb: 1817Harry N. Sargeant was one of the pioneers of the town which perpetuates his name, was the first clerk of the town on its organization, and held that position for many years. He was also the chairman of the meeting which was called September 16, 1873, at his home, for the purpose of organizing what is now the town of Sargeant. Harry N. Sargeant was born in South Stukely, Shefford county, Province of Quebec, June 19, 1817, son of Roswell and Phoebe (Allen) Sargeant, both natives of Vermont, who located in Canada in 1800, and there ended their days. March 1, 1864, Mrs. Sargeant died, and just one year later her husband sold out and started for Mower county, going to La Crosse by land, by team across the river, and by the same conveyance to the south half of section 11, township 104, range 16, where he had purchased land the previous year. At that time sixty acres were under cultivation, and a small frame house had been erected on the southeast quarter. Mr. Sargeant developed and improved the land in many ways, and successfully carried on farming operations, attaining honor and distinction. In addition to being town clerk he also served as school clerk and postmaster. The subject of this sketch married Anna, daughter of Nathan and Elizabeth (Willard) Parker, and eight children were born: Roxana, Harriet P., Alice L., Eliza W., Harry A., Malcolm, George W. and Edwin J. Roxana is the deceased wife of Charles Owen. Harriet, the housekeeper after her mother's death, died in 1909. The influence of her pure, unselfish life lives in those who knew her best. Alice married William Hambright. Eliza is a well known school teacher. She was born in Canada, received her early education in the district schools of Wisconsin and Minnesota, and then graduated from the State Normal school at Winona. She taught for a while in Northfield, but most of her educational work has been done in District 91, Sargeant township, where she was employed as the first teacher after the organization of the school district, beginning that term in her father's corn crib, the new schoolhouse not being completed. At the close of two weeks both teacher and pupils were glad to move to more conmmodious quarters. The whole period of her service covers some twenty years. Malcolm married Maria Harrington, of Red Rock township. They reside in Wyndmere, North Dakota. George W. married Belle Lewis, of North Dakota. They resided in that state for several years, but are now living in Lodi, California. Edwin J. married Agnes Keef, of Minneapolis. They with their two sons, Cedric, and Norman, remained on the old homestead until the fall of 1910, when they moved to Kasson, Minnesota, where the boys are attending school. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Harry A. Sargeantb: 1855Harry A. Sargeant, now of Northfield, Minnesota, was for many years a prominent man in Sargeant township. He was born in South Stukely, Quebec, Canada, May 26, 1855, son of Harry N. and Anna (Parker) Sargeant. He went to Wisconsin with his parents when three years old, and came to Mower county with his father when ten years old. On January 24, 1884, he married Anna Johnson, a native of Wisconsin. He became prominent in town affairs, and served as justice of the peace, assessor and town clerk. Their children are Nathaniel J., Arthur P., Howard L., and Willard II. The parents moved to Northfield in 1906, for the purpose of giving their sons better educational advantages. Arthur P. was a student at Carleton College three years, and is now taking the medical course at our state university. Howard L. is a senior at Carleton. Willard H., many years younger than his brothers, is in the Northfield public school. Nathaniel Sargeant is a prosperous farmer of Sargeant town ship, which was named for his grandfather. He was born in section 11, Sargeant township, son of Harry A. and Anna (Johnson) Sargeant. He received his early education in the schools of his neighborhood and graduated from the Stewartville High school. Since then he has devoted his life to agricultural pursuits. He married Clara, daughter of John and Mary (Milligan) Gordy, and they have two children: Florence and Olive. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Frank G. Sasseb: 1871Frank G. Sasse, of the firm of French & Sasse, leading attorneys of Austin, was born in Utica, Winona county, Minnesota, July 1, 1871, son of John F. and Anna M. Sasse, natives of Germany. Frank G. received his early education in the schools of Winona county and graduated from the St. Charles high school in 1890. Then he taught school for two years, and with the money thus secured entered the University of Minnesota in the fall of 1902. Two years later he again started teaching, and after three years had secured sufficient funds to complete his course. In 1899 he graduated from the academic department of the University of Minnesota, with the degree of B. A. A year later he graduated from the law department of the same university, and was at once admitted to the bar. After practicing in St. Charles two years he went to Fairmont, Martin county, and there became a junior partner in the firm of Mathwig & Sasse. Mr. Sasse was elected county attorney of Martin county and served as city attorney of Fairmont. He resigned, however, to come to Austin in the fall of 1909. Here he became a partner of LaFayette French, the firm taking the name of French & Sasse. Since coming here Mr. Sasse has allied himself with the Austin Commercial Club. While at college he was admitted to Phi Beta Kappa, an honorary fraternity. He is a Democrat in politics, and has affiliated himself with the Masonic order, the K. of P., the M. W. A.; and the Modern Samaritans. The subject of this sketch was married July 14, 1904, at Vernon Center, Blue Earth county, Minnesota, to Elrose 1-Ioward, of that place. This union has been blessed with one child, Lucille M., born May 26, 1905. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
John F. SasseJohn F. Sasse and Anna M. Sasse, his wife, were natives of Germany. They came to America in 1849, located in New York State, and in the early sixties removed to Wisconsin. A few years later they located at Winona County, Minnesota, and there ended their days, the father October 4, 1908, and the mother April 15, 1908. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Thomas Savageb: 1838Thomas Savage is a well-thought-of citizen of Windom township, where he has lived since 1864. He has taken his share in the development of the county, has been justice of the peace, was on the school board a number of years and has done his town service in other ways. He is a genial, whole-souled gentleman and his memory in regard to events in Windom and surrounding townships is as clear as is usually that of a man half his age. Thomas Savage was born in County Dublin, Ireland, October 25, 1838, son of John and Elizabeth (Danne) Savage. He came to America with his father and brother in 1851 and lived in Rockaway, Long Island, N. Y., three years. From there they went to Middletown Point, Monmouth county, New Jersey, where they lived two years. Thomas came to Illinois in 1856 and two years later, in 1858, took up his residence in Iowa. In the fall of 1864 he came to Mower county and rented land on which was a log house in which he lived. Later he purchased land in Windom township. On this farm he erected a frame house and suffered the privations of pioneer life. The subject of this sketch married Elizabeth Guinney, daughter of Timothy Guinney. She died January 24, 1911, leaving seven children: Mary E., wife of Andrew Smith; Annie S., wife of George W. Smith; Nellie, wife of Frank Gerrard; Lillie, wife of Henry M. Rolfe; Thomas D.; Victoria, wife of Lew Lewis, and Ollie, a teacher in the Austin high school. The death of Mrs. Savage will long be mourned by friends and relatives. She was a loving and sympathetic wife and an affectionate and considerate mother. Hand in hand with her husband she faced the difficulties of life and lived to see her efforts crowned with the blessings of a contented life and happy family. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
C. B. Saylesb: 1870C. B. Sayles, chairman of Austin township, and an extensive landowner of Mower county, was born in LeRoy, Mower county, April 3, 1870, son of James K. and Lucinda B (Brown) Sayles. He was brought to Austin township as an infant, attended the schools of Austin township and the Austin high school, and then at the age of sixteen years took charge of the home farm, becoming one of the leading farmers of the township. He has added to the homestead from time to time until he now has 300 acres in the home place, and 200 acres in Windom. He has made many improvements, brought the place to a high degree of cultivation, purchased new machinery and equipment, and in every way has farmed along the latest approved lines. Of late years he has turned his attention to stock raising and grain cultivation exclusively, and breeds some excellent specimens of Hereford cattle. He has occupied his present township office two years, and previous to that was a member of the board for many years. He has also given good service as a school officer. Mr. Sayles was married April 17, 1893, to Clara B. Ames, of Owatonna, and this union has resulted in eight children, seven of whom are living, and one of whom is dead. They are: Claude H., Walter A., Sarah E. (deceased), Loren L., David J., Carlton K., Leonard B., and Herbert A. The family faith is that of the Universalist church. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
James K. SaylesJames K. Sayles was born in Pennsylvania and married Lucinda B. Brown, a native of New York state. In 1868 they came west to LeRoy, in this county, and one year later to Austin township, where James K. purchased 160 acres and combined blacksmithing with farming until his death, January 24, 1881, his wife following him to the grave, July 2, 1896. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
J. J. Scallonb: 1884J. J. Scallon is one of the well-liked young men of Austin, and is in every way capable to fill the position he occupies. Mr. Scallon was born in Wisconsin, March 31, 1884, son of William. S. and Julia Scallon, both of whom are now living in Wisconsin. J. J. Scallon received his education in the common schools of Wisconsin and later graduated from the business course in the Wisconsin Business College at La Crosse, Wis. After graduation, he kept books for the John Gund Brewing Company, of La Crosse, for a few months, and was then made manager of the branch of that company at Austin. In this position he has since remained. This was the first brewery agency to be established in Austin. Southern Minnesota and northern Iowa points are supplied from here and the constantly growing business now amounts to over $40,000 a year. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Philip Schleigerb: 1852Philip Schleiger, druggist of Grand Meadow, was born in Washington county, Wisconsin, March 9, 1852, son of Jacob and Barbara (Brandt) Schleiger. He came to Grand Meadow in 1878. In 1894 he engaged in his present business. He was married October 28, 1875, to Kate Christgau, and in the family are four children: Lydia A., Albert F., Edwin G. and Hilda. Mr. Schleiger is a prominent citizen, has served in a number of offices and belongs to a number of fraternities. He is also a stockholder in a several successful enterprises. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Mathias Schmitb: 1874Mathias Schmit, manager of the Rose Creek Lumber Company, was born in Luxemburg, Germany, February 24, 1874, son of J. P. and Margaret (Bartholmy) Schmit, natives of the same kingdom. The father was a shoemaker by trade, which profession he followed until his death, in 1888, in Germany. His good wife preceded him to the grave about two years. Mathias received his education in Luxemburg, where he grew to manhood, after which in 1891, he crossed the briny deep and came to America, locating at once in Rose Creek. Here he engaged in farm work until 1902, when he accepted a position in the lumber yard of A. Vaux. Two years later, in 1904, Mr. Vaux sold to Mr. Crane of Austin, the concern taking the name of Rose Creek Lumber Company. At this time Mr. Schmit was made manager, which position he has since efficiently occupied. The subject of this sketch was married November 22, 1904, to Mary Schumaher, and this union has been blessed with two children: Mary and John P. Mr. Schmit voted independently and is servinghis fourth year as assessor of Rose Creek. He belongs to the C. O. F. and the D. R. K. U. G. V. M. The family occupies a pleasant residence in the village, owned by Mr. Schmit. The family religion is that of the Catholic Church. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
J. C. Schottlerb: 1872J. C. Schottler, a successful farmer of Windom township, where he has a fine farm in section 30, consisting of 1764 acres, which he purchased in December, 1899, was born in Germantown; Wis., May 15, 1872, son of Nicholas and Anna (Regenfuss) Schottler, the former of whom came from Germany in 1846 and located in Germantown, Wis., where he now resides, and the latter of whom was born in Richfield, Wis., of German descent, and died June 13, 1908. J. C. Schottler was educated in the district schools and at Valparaiso, Ind., since when he has followed general farming. He is an independent voter, is in favor of the entire prohibition of the sale of liquor, belongs to the Grange and attends the Catholic Church at Austin. He was married June 24, 1901, to Katharine Mueller, daughter of Peter and Margaret (Thielmann) Mueller, the former of whom came to this country in 1851 and settled in Germantown, Wis., and the latter of whom came in 1861. Mr. and Mrs. Schottler have five children: Julius, born January 19, 1903; Edward, February 18, 1904; Agnes, August 3, 1905; Florence, August 31, 1907, and Marie, May 16, 1909. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
George J. Schottler, M.D.b: 1870George J. Schottler, M. D., a successful practitioner of Dexter, was born in Germantown township, Washington county, Wisconsin, November 5, 1870, son of Nicholas and Anna (Regenfuss) Schottler, Wisconsin pioneers. He attended the district schools of Washington county, Wisconsin, and after due preparation entered the preparatory teachers' course at the Northern Indiana Normal School, at Valparaiso, Ind. Then he taught school in his home district a year and subsequently again returned to Valparaiso, finishing his courses there in 1892, receiving the degree of B. S. In the meantime he had also attended clinics in therapeutics and taken a preparatory medical course. He spent the fall and winter of 1892-93 at home in order that his brother might attend school, and in the fall of 1893 entered the Rush Medical College, at Chicago, graduating in 1896 with the degree of M. D. He at once took the state examination and was admitted to practice, taking up his life work at Dexter, June 6, 1896. He has built up a large practice in village and county, is faithful and skillful in his services and is greatly beloved by those families to whom he administers in the hours of sorrow and distress. Dr. Schottler belongs to the American, the ~Minnesota State, the Southern Minnesota and the Mower County Medical societies, has been president of the latter and is now its treasurer. Dr. Schottler is a stockholder in and vice-president of the First State Bank of Dexter. He was at one time elected president of the village council of Dexter, but refused to serve. Dr. Schottler owns a fine home in Dexter, which he built in 1898, and in addition to this a house and ten acres of land in the village limits, which he rents. On his land he has set out 500 apple trees, which are promising well. The subject of this sketch was married September 12, 1900, at Dexter, to Kathleen, daughter of Abram Vermilyea. She was born December 13, 1876, and her union with Dr. Schottler has been blessed with four children: George Jesse, born August 26, 1901; Max E., born June 26, 1903, and Kenneth B. and Kathryn B., twins, born July 17, 1904. Nicholas Schottler, one of the successful farmers of Washington county, Wisconsin, and father of Dr. George J. Schottier, of Dexter, Mower county, was born in Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, January 16, 1843, and came to America with his parents in 1846, locating in Germantown township, Washington county, Wisconsin. He was there educated and on attaining manhood's state, took up farming and located on 120 acres of land in two tracts, part of which was the original homestead. This land he cut and burned over, grubbed, broke and improved, and has since carried on general farming. He was married on January 12, 1870, to Anna Regenfuss, born in Washington county, Wisconsin, June 17, 1849, of German ancestry. She died June 13, 1908, leaving six children: George J., the Dexter physician; John, a farmer of Windom township in this county; Margaretha, now Mrs. Joseph Mueller, of Austin township; Kunnie, who died before her mother; Conrad, on the old farm in Wisconsin, and Cecilia and Mary, who are likewise at home with their father. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
C. L. Schroederb: 1844C. L. Schroeder, retired farmer and former county commissioner, now living in Grand Meadow village, was born in Germany, Nov. 21, 1844, son of Carl and Jeanette (Schaffer) Schroeder, who brought him to America in 1849. After a short stay in Milwaukee they went to West Bend, Wis., where they located and went to farming. There Charles L. was reared. In 1864 he went to Missouri and remained a year, coming a year later to Minnesota. In 1867 he came from Winona to Racine and bought a farm. Here he carried on general farming until 1900, when he moved to the village of Grand Meadow. While in Racine, Mr. Schroeder was township treasurer and supervisor and school clerk and treasurer for several years. In 1880 he was appointed county commissioner to fill a vacancy, and was then elected to a full term, thus serving until 1885. He was married in 1874 to Lizzie Christgau, daughter of Mathias Christgau, and this union has been blessed with six children: Clara and Albert died in infancy; Alma, Cora, Emma N. and Erwin C. Alma is the wife of C. J. Donaldson, of Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Schroeder died April 8, 1898 HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Ferdinand Schuettb: 1861Ferdinand Schuett, one of the leading farmers of Waltham township, was born in Watertown, Jefferson county, Wisconsin, June 20, 1861, son of Frederick and Augusta Schuett, the former of whom was born in Germany, came to America as a young man, located in Wisconsin, and there married and raised his family. Ferdinand attended the schools of his niative place, and while still in his teens learned the trade of cheese making in Hustisford, Dodge county, this state. He worked at this trade there some fourteen years. In 1891, Mr. Schuett came to Waltham township, and purchased 167 acres of land in section 31. Though coming at a modern date, he experienced some of the characteristics of pioneer life; for his land when he came contained nothing in the shape of buildings but an old shack. The present home and barns are a compliment to the industry and good taste of the Schuett family. The farm is an excellent one, all except ten acres of the timberland being under cultivation. Mr. Schuett carries on general farming successfully, and raises the usual crops and live stock. By his marriage to Emma Lindumer, daughter of Henry and Amelia Lindumer, he has five children: Arnold attends the Southern Minnesota Normal College, in Austin; Edgar is taking a seminary course at the Concordia college, in St. Paul; Arthur is taking a business course in the Southern Minnesota Normal College; Esther and Rona attend the district school in District 93, Waltham township. Mr. Schuett has been supervisor three years, assessor three years and a member of the school board several terms. He and his family worship at the Evangelical Lutheran Trinity church of Waltham. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Samuel SchutzSamuel Schutz, a pioneer of Fillmore county, was born in Canton Berne, Switzerland, and there married Elizabeth Hane, also a native of Switzerland. He brought his family to America in 1852, and purchased eighty acres in Will county, Illinois, remaining on that farm until 1856, when he sold out and came overland by ox team to Fillmore county, where he took a homestead of 160 acres in Beaver township.He first erected a log cabin and in this he and his family lived until 1869, when he erected a fine brick house in which he lived until 1873, when he sold his farm and moved to Kasson, Dodge county, where he purchased a home and lived until his death, February 13, 1892, his good wife preceding him to the grave, in August, 1876. They were the parents of seven children. Four died in early life. Three grew to manhood and womanhood. Of these three, Samuel H. and Rudolph A. are living and Elizabeth is dead. Samuel H. served in Company K, Fourth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and is now a pensioned soldier living in retirement at Naperville, Ill. He has nine children: Sarah, Albert, Anna, Lena, Lilly, Frank, Nettie, Elmer and Birdie. Elizabeth married Jacob Leuthold, a native of Zurich, Switzerland, and died April 12, 1910, leaving seven children: Carrie, Jake, John, Henry, Charles, Rudolph and Anna, the latter being the wife of Philip Hines, who is connected with the Drs. Mayo, of Rochester, as a druggist. The sons constitute the firm of Leuthold Brothers, the well-known clothiers, who own a chain of stores throughout the Northwest. Rudolph A. is a resident of LeRoy township. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Rudolph A. Schutzb: 1850Rudolph A. Schutz, of LeRoy township, agriculturist, horticulturist and lecturer on the preceding subjects, with the State Farmers' Institute, was born in Canton Berne, Switzerland, May 22, 1850, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Hane) Schutz, the pioneers. He came to America with his parents in 1852, lived with them in Will county, Illinois, and with them came to Beaver township, Fillmore county, in 1856. There he received his earlier education, and later attended a school taught in the old town of LeRoy, by the Hon. John Williams, who was afterward burned to death in the postoffice fire at LeRoy. Rudolph A. also attended the Evangelical College, at Plainfield, Illinois. Thus equipped he returned home and farmed with his father until 1872, in which year he took charge of the home farm. Two years later he purchased eighty acres of wild land in section 13, LeRoy township, and built a home. The following year, after breaking the land, he set out trees which have now developed into a fine grove of maples, willows and cottonwoods. At the same time he set out many evergreen trees such as fir, balsam, spruce and European larches. He also entered into fruit growing, and started an abundant supply of apple, plum, cherry and other fruit trees, as well as a variety of small fruits and berries. He soon added another eighty acres to his farm, making a quarter section in all. On this farm he worked until 1891, when he purchased a farm in section 22, to which he moved. That fall he rented his first farm, and two years later sold it. To his new farm he has added from time to time until he now owns 250 acres, all under the highest cultivation. His buildings are also in good condition. In 1891 he began planting apple trees on this farm, and now has two large orchards in bearing condition. In 1904 he was awarded the silver medal in the Minnesota fruit exhibit at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis, being the only one to receive that prize from Mower county. Mr. Schutz is a Republican in politics, and his family are all members of the First Presbyterian church at LeRoy. Aside from serving his township as supervisor for five years, he has been greatly interested in horticulture all his life, and for the past six years has been connected with the Farmers' State Institute. During the first three years of this time his lectures were confined solely to horticulture, but since that time he has lectured on all the principal farm pursuits as well. He also gives evening lectures on "Model Home Life on the Farm, Its Beauties and Attractions." In 1909 he was sent as a delegate to the Horticultural and Agricultural Convention, held at Winnipeg, and covering the provinces of Canada. In June, 1910, he was promoted to conductor, having charge of a corps of lecturers, for the State Farmers' Institute, which position he now occupies. In 1910 he was chosen as a delegate to the Williamsburg State Convention of Iowa. Rudolph A. Schutz was married July 20, 1872, to Minnie A. Klampe, born in Germany, July 5, 1852. This union has been blessed with six children: Matilda E., died May 25, 1879; Eliza A. is the wife of George J. Malcombson, of LeRoy township; Alice F. graduated from the LeRoy high school, and is now teaching, being the holder of a first grade certificate; Ralph F. assists his father on the home farm; Walter Valentine is teller of the First National Bank, of Mott, North Dakota; Irene S. is a student at the state school in Faribault, having been stricken deaf and dumb as the result of brain fever at the age of five months. The parents of Mrs. Rudolph A. Schutz were John and Mary (Las) Klampe. They came to America from Germany in 1858, and after living a time in Dodge county, Minnesota, moved to Sibley, Iowa, where they took a homestead. Mrs. Klampe died December 10, 1899, and her husband moved to Jefferson, Oregon, where he died April 5, 1908. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Nicholas Schuartzb: 1845Nicholas Schuartz, a retired farmer of Windom, was born in New York city, in 1845, son of John and Katherine Schuartz, who were born in Germany, and after coming to this country in 1845 located in Washington county, Wisconsin, where they died, the father at the age of forty and the mother at the age of seventy. Nicholas received his education in the schools of Washington county, Wisconsin, and there grew to manhood. He was married March 10, 1871, to Mary Uschult, daughter of John and Margarette Uschult, and at once after their marriage they came to Nevada and afterward to Windom township, where they have prospered and reared their children. Mrs. Schuartz died April 15, 1905. Of the five children of Nicholas Schuartz, one died at the age of eleven years. Those living are: George, John, Nick, and Charles, all farmers of Windom township. Mr. Schuartz has one sister, Katherine, living. She is the wife of Nicholas Giller, of Menominee Falls, Wis. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Charles L. Schwartzb: 1851Charles L. Schwartz, one of the efficient county commissioners of Mower county, has occupied a number of important positions, having served as a township supervisor, clerk and chairman of his school district many years, and also township assessor for some years. He was born in Ohio, February 7, 1851, son of John C. and Caroline (Schmidt) Schwartz, and was brought by his parents to Sheboygan county, where he received his common school education and grew to manhood. At the age of seventeen he started out in life for himself by securing employment in a mineral water bottling plant in Rochester, Minn. Later he took up farming, and located in Sargeant, in 1877, where he followed agricultural pursuits from 1877 to 1907, this span of years forming a period of hard work, successful labor and efficient service. In 1907 he gave up farm life and moved to the village, where he was saddened the following year by the loss of his wife. He was elected to his present position in 1908. The subject of this sketch married Otellea LaBudde, born in Germany of French descent. This union has resulted in four children: Antonie, wife of Frank Martin, of Sargeant township; Ferdinand C., Cora A. C., Oscar A. and Reinhold F. Cora is the wife of John F. Ziemer, and they have four children: Raymond, Florence, Harold and Lynn. Ferdinand C., who is a rural mail carrier, married Kate Wiedeman, daughter of Jacob and Katharine (Wegmann) Wiedeman, and they have two children, Esther and Mildred H. Oscar A. married Anna Hanson, and they have one child, Fern. Reinhold F. married Bertha Tauta, and they have one child, Evelyn. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
John C. SchwartzJohn C. Schwartz, father of Charles L. Schwartz, was a millwright by trade, a native of Germany. He came to America in 1847, lived in Ohio seven years, then resided some time at Sheboygan, Wis., and about 1873 located in Rochester, Minn., where he died in 1879, his wife passing away a year later. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Samuel ScribnerSamuel Scribner, the pioneer, was born in New York state, and married Hanna Chapman. He brought his family west to Delaware county, Iowa, in 1852; and in 1855 continued his trip, and took up his residence in 1856 in section 10, Frankford, where he preempted a quarter section of land, his oldest son, Andrew, preempting eighty acres in section 2. Upon their arrival here, they erected a small log house 12 x 16 feet, and the following year an addition was made. This addition was roofed with rag carpets and floored with earth. The severe winter of 1856-57 found the family thus housed, and at one time for three weeks the snow and intense cold prevented their reaching hay which was stacked forty rods away. But the years passed, the land was broken, a comfortable house replaced the old log cabin, and the crops were good. Samuel Scribner died in February, 1881, and his good wife, December 6, 1899. They had twelve children: Andrew J., George W., Ann Eliza, Adeline, Martin V. B., Markus H., Anna M. and Luther C. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Arthur G. Scullinb: 1875Arthur G. Scullin, mail clerk on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway line, and good citizen of Austin, was born June 5, 1875, in Oakland township, Freeborn county, Minnesota. After graduating from the Austin high school in 1895, he devoted the next three years to teaching school in Freeborn county, and then entered the railway mail service, at present being stationed on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad, with a run from St. Paul to Decorah, Iowa. His political principles are those of the Republican Party, and he is identified with the Masonic order and the Modern Woodmen of America. The Baptist church also claims him as a loyal attendant. On June 20, 1906, he was united in marriage at Austin, Minnesota, to Esther Schmidt, born to George and Catherine Schmidt, May 3, 1889, at Hokak, Minnesota. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Scullin: George S., born May 26, 1907; and Alta C., who was born April 27, 1909. George and Alta (Smith) Scullin, parents of our subject, were natives of Michigan and Pennsylvania, respectively. They were among the pioneer settlers of Freeborn county, settling on an eighty acre farm in Oakland township, in 1869, which the father operated up to the time of his death, January 27, 1899. The mother passed away March 26, 1907. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Ira E. Paddenb: 1858HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911Ira Padden, general superintendent of the plant of the Minnesota Farmers' Brick and Tile Company, Austin, is a native of this county, born on the southeast quarter of section 6, Windom township, son of Ira and Mary (Wilson) Padden, the pioneers. He received his education in the country schools and in the Austin high school, after which he entered the employ of the C., M. & St. P. After learning the machinists' trade, he was gradually promoted, and during the last six years of his twenty years' employment with that company acted as foreman of the shops at Austin. Subsequent to this he served eight years as state boiler inspector for the First district, and still later entered into the land and real estate business. November 26, 1909, when the Minnesota Farmers' Brick and Tile Company was organized, he became its general superintendent, and his efficient and faithful service, as well as his mechanical knowledge, has played an important part in the favor with which the output of that company has met. Mr. Padden is a Republican in politics, has done valuable service for the city of Austin as alderman from the third ward, a capacity in which he has, with the exception of two years, served since twenty-one years of age, and has also been sergeant at arms at the state capitol for the last two sessions of the legislature. He helped to organize Co. G, Second Regiment, M. N. G., and held rank from private to first lieutenant, also acting as captain two years. Mr. Padden is a member of the A. O. U. W., the M. W. A., the I. O. R. M., the K. of P., the B. P. O. E. and the Owls. He was married November 25, 1887, to Mira Streeter, and this union has resulted in three children, of whom two are living: Edith, a graduate of the Austin high school and of the University of Minnesota, is teaching in the high school of Lake City, Minnesota; Elsie is a student at Hamline University. |
O. W. Shawb: 1834O. W. Shaw, president of the First National Bank of Austin, has continued in this position for over four decades and his cordiality and business acumen have raised what was at the start a small village bank, well to the foremost as one of the sound financial institutions of southern Minnesota. Though very successful in his enterprises, he is unassuming, democratic and easily approachable by any who need his assistance or advice, and his opinions on matters of business policy are often sought by the people who patronize his institution. Amid the cares and stress of a busy life, he has found time to become a deep student of early United States history, and his documents and first editions of rare historical works are of a value which only the careful collector and discriminating observer can realize. The subject of this sketch was born in Carroll county, New Hampshire, July 19, 1834, son of Edward and Elizabeth (Lunt) Shaw. When young he engaged in clerking. For three years he was at Great Falls, N. H., then for two years was in a wholesale dry goods house in Boston. Afterward hewas for three years in trade in New Hampshire with Samuel Merrill. Then, with Mr. Merrill he came to Iowa, where the latter afterward became one of the honored governors of that state. For some years the gentlemen mentioned conducted a general store at McGregor, Iowa, under the firm name of Merrill, Dearborn & Shaw. In 1867 Mr. Shaw went to Chicago, and for a short period engaged in the dry goods commission business with a partner, the firm name being Rollins & Shaw. In 1867 he came to Austin, formed a business alliance with Harlan W. Page, who had previously been conducting a private bank here, and organized the First National Bank of Austin, of which Mr. Shaw became president and Mr. Page cashier. Aside from taking an active interest in the affairs of Austin, Mr. Shaw has served as president of the state board of control for the school for dependent children at Owatonna. He is a member of the Society of Colonial Wars. the American Historical Association, the American Academy of Political and Social Science, and the National Geographical Society. He was married in 1862 to Sarah J. Rollins, daughter of D. G. Rollins, of Great Falls, N. H. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Ann ShayMrs. Ann Shay, after the death of her husband, came to Minnesota with her family in 1868 and located in Olmsted county, where she married Daniel Shay, who died in 1895, she following him to the grave, January 27, 1909. This union was blessed with one daughter, Alice. She received an excellent education, taught school a number of years, and was married, June 29, 1910, to William Beach, grandson of William Beach, a Mower county pioneer. Mr. and Mrs. Beach make their home with Edward Shay. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
John Shayb: 1865John Shay was born in Gilbert Station, Illinois, in April, 1865. He came to Minnesota with his mother, located in Mower county later, and continued farming as a partner of his brother Edward until 1892, when they divided their property. He now has 480 acres of his own, all under cultivation and adorned with new buildings which he has erected. Mr. Shay was married November 25, 1891, to Mary M. Meehan, daughter of John Meehan, a pioneer of Bennington township. Four children have crowned this union: Edward M., Lawrence, Kate and May. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
James Shepardb: 1831James Shepard, now deceased, was for many years a familiar figure in both Fillmore and Mower counties. He was born in St. Lawrence county, New York, September 29, 1831, and when but two years old was taken by his parents to Herkimer county. He spent his boyhood in the towns of Schuyler, Salisbury and Norway, and when twenty-one years of age came to Wisconsin, where his parents had located the previous year. After remaining there a few months, he followed his parents on their further migration to Allamakee county, Iowa. In 1854 he went to Illinois and was married in Kankakee county, in December, 1855, to Desire Gates, daughter of Elijah and Rachel (Ferris) Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Shepard remained in Illinois about six months, and then took up their residence in Allamakee county, Iowa. In 1858 they started with teams for Minnesota and settled in the town of Beaver, Fillmore county, where Mr. Shepard entered 160 acres of land, in section 9, built a small frame house and improved sixty acres. In 1866 he sold out and removed to LeRoy township, where he purchased a farm in section 16. At that time there was a log cabin on the place and but twenty acres were broken. He later erected a frame house and suitable buildings, and continued to improve the land and carry on general farming until 1894, when he moved to the village of LeRoy and practically retired from active life. He died in July, 1899. Mr. and Mrs. Shepard were blessed with six children: Frank A., living in Montana; Lewis T., living at home; Emma, deceased; Addie, wife of George Turner; George M. and Eliza J., wife of John Errington. Elijah Gates was born in Vermont and came west in 1845, taking up his residence in Lake county, Illinois. There he farmed for several years and then came to Beaver, Minnesota. Late in life Mr. Gates went to Kansas and took up a homestead, where he died. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
E. M. Shephardb: 1858E. M. Shephard, treasurer of Le Roy township, was born in Fillmore county, Minnesota, January 23, 1858, son of Levi M. and Elizabeth (Mead) Shephard, natives of New York state. He received his early education in the district school of Fillmore county and worked on the farm. At the age of twenty-one he rented a farm for a year, near Mankato, Minn., and then went to Howard, Miner county, South Dakota, where he took a homestead of 160 acres, proved up his claim, erected a home and other necessary buildings, and there remained until 1891, when he returned to Mower county and purchased a farm of 160 acres, together with ten acres of timber land, the farm lying in sections 8 and 17. He repaired the buildings, and has developed the land, making a great success of general farming. He also makes a specialty of dairying and breeds Hereford cattle. Mr. Shephard is a Republican in politics, has been treasurer of Le Roy township several years, was supervisor fourteen years, and was continuously a member of the school board of his district from the early nineties until 1908. He is a stockholder in the First National Bank of Le Roy. Mr. Shephard married Julia C. Wirth, born at Cleveland, Ohio, February 23, 1859, daughter of Andrew and Wilhelmina (Lechele) Wirth, natives of Germany. This union has been blessed with five children: Wilhelmina A., born August 31, 1882, now wife of C. B. Hall, of Mitchell county, Iowa; Elroy E., born November 1, 1884, cashier of the First State Bank at Spring Valley, Minn.; Harvey R., born July 18, 1888, now in the men's furnishing business in Montana; Howard J., born October 29, 1890, and Elizabeth J., born November 30, 1897, the latter two being at home. The family faith is that of the Baptist church. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Levi M. Shephardd: 1898Levi M. Shephard came west in 1856, and after farming for a period in Fillmore county, engaged in the livery business. Later he moved to Mankato, and after spending a short time in Mankato, moved to South Dakota, where he engaged in farming. He died there in July, 1898, and his wife in March of the same year. In the family were seven children: Esther is now Mrs. L. F. Means, of Carthage, S. D.; Albert A. lives in Wenachee, Wash.; E. M. lives in Le Roy township; Alma, wife of F. W. Tuttle, died in October, 1905; Emma, wife of D. D. Smith, lives in San Diego, Cal.; Carrie, wife of A. Burlison, lives in Mankato; J. E. lives in Davenport, Wash. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |