Mower County, Minnesota Group File 15 |
Frederick M. Peirsonb: 1834Frederick M. Peirson, a retired hotel proprietor and farmer now living in Grand Meadow, was born April 4, 1834, at Chittenden, Chittenden county, Vermont, son of John and Nabby (Saxton) Pierson. At the age of three years he was brought by his parents to Ohio, in 1840 to Rockford, Ill., in 1844 to Silver Creek, Ill., and in 1846 to Winslow, Ill. At the age of nineteen he located in Columbia county, Wisconsin, and in May, 1854, took up a claim in Minnesota. From that month until October he lived in La Crosse, and then located on his claim, which was in section 1, township 104, range 15, being included in the tier of sections which were set off from Mower county and are now a part of the township of High Forest, in Olmsted county. In 1874 Mr. Peirson moved to Rochester, Minn., and engaged in the hotel business there for three years. In 1877 he came to Grand Meadow and purchased a hotel, which he conducted until 1898, when he rented the hotel and retired. Aside from this hotel building, where he now makes his home, he owns a 200-acre farm in Olmsted county and a quarter section in Grand Meadow township. A part of this latter tract is noted for its sand for building purposes, the deposit covering over five acres to a depth of eighteen feet. Mr. Peirson is a man of strong character and has always been active in upholding those things which he believes to be right and good. He is a Republican in politics and served as a justice of the peace for two years. Mr. Peirson was married November 20, 1860, to Catherine Keyes, a native of Ireland, who has proved a most able helpmeet. A son, Dr. Homer F. Peirson, lives in Austin. John Peirson and Nabby Saxton, his wife, were natives of Vermont, both of English descent. While living in Vermont John Peirson was a lumberman in the Canadian woods. In 1837 he removed his family to Ohio, lived there three years, then in 1840 went to Rockford, Illinois, and in 1844 took up his residence in Silver Creek, two years later going to Winslow in the same state. In 1848 John Peirson started overland for California, and acquired considerable land along the Pacific coast. Later he went to the Sandwich Islands, where he died in 1852. His wife lived in Illinois until his death, after which she returned to her old home in Vermont where she died. It is interesting to note that practically the first claim recorded for what is now Mower county was that of J. S. Peirson, in September, 1854. J.S. was a son of John and a brother of Frederich M. [ History of Mower County Minnesota, Franklyn Curtiss-Wedge 1911, page 886 ]Biographical Sketch for Fredrick M. Peirson. F.M. Pierson, proprietor of the Brown House, Grand Meadow, is one of th epioneers of Southern Minnesota. He located in section 1, town 104, range 15. This is one of the sections that was set off to Olmsted county, and now belongs to High Forest township. The date of his location was 1854. He occupied this farm until 1874, when removed to Rochester and kept the Stevens House three years, then came to Grand Meadow and bought the preent hotel. He was born in Chittenden county, Vermont in 1834. When he was three years of age he went to Ohio with his parents, remaining there until 1840, then removed to Rockford, Illinois. He lived in Illinois until 1853, then went to LaCross, Wisconsin, where he stopped for one year. He was married in 1860 to Kate Keyes. They have one son, Homer F. [ History of Mower County Minnesota, Compiled by the Inter-State Historical Company, 1884 ](Research credit: Mark Ashley) |
James Petersonb: 1844James Peterson, a retired farmer living in Lyle, was born in Norway, February 16, 1844, son of Peter Johnson and Brita, his wife, natives of Norway, who came to America in 1867, locating in Mitchell county, Iowa, where they ended their days, the former in 1871 and the latter in 1898. James received his education in Norway and came to Mitchell county in 1866, locating in Union township, where he started farming on 160 acres. This he later increased to half a section, on which he conducted many improvements and carried on general farming, remaining there until 1903, when he retired and moved to Lyle village. He has served in school and township office, and holds stock in the Otter Creek Co-operative Creamery and in the Lyle Telephone Company. He was married April 17, 1866, and twelve children have blessed this union: Bertha is the wife of Ole A. Neversate, of Mitchell county; Anna is the wife of Erik Slindee, postmaster at Adams; Julia is the wife of W. E. Brown, of Austin; Josephine is a milliner in Minneapolis; Petra is the wife of John Thorstas, of Lyle; Albert, who married Hannah Johnson, is on the old homestead; John lives in Marion, N. D.; Henry lives in the same place and is the husband of Celia Strand; Peter married Mabel Selle; Ella married Edward Hildebrand; Lillian is a school teacher, and Peter died at the age of eight years. The family faith is that of the Lutheran church. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Henry N. Petersonb: 1859Henry N. Peterson, now deceased, was a respected business man of Lyle village, and his death, January 21, 1900, was sincerely mourned by the people of the vicinity. He was born in Bergen, Norway, February 27, 1859, and was brought to America by his uncle at the age of nine years. He attended school in Adams township, and in Austin farmed for a period, and then went to Minneapolis, where he worked faithfully in various lines for a} number of years. In 1884, having by frugal effort saved enough money to embark in business for himself, he came to Lyle and opened a furniture store. After this he sold out, and engaged in the hardware business, but still later disposed of this, and with John Evenson opened a furniture establishment. He erected the Peterson block in the village of Lyle, and also dealt in real estate, selling building lots and purchasing large farm tracts, owning at one time 500 acres in the vicinity of Lyle. He voted the Democratic ticket; was one of the first members of the Lyle village council and served twelve years; belonged to the Masons and attended the Methodist church. He was married November 12, 1885, to Sophia Olson, daughter of Lars and Ingar (Bjornson) Olson, natives of Norway, who came to America in 1868 and located in Chicago until 1873, in which year they came to Lyle and engaged in the furniture business, Lars Olson being dead, and his wife Ingar being a resident of Lyle at the good old age of eighty-nine years. Mrs. Peterson was born in Tragery, Norway, March 24, 1859, and bore to her husband nine children: Cora, Nora, Conrad, Henrietta, Leonard, Phoebe, Vida, Victor and Eva. The three oldest are high school graduates, Cora and Nora being graduates also of Carleton College, at Northfield, Minn., while Conrad is studying dentistry at the University of Minnesota. Phoebe and Vida graduated from the Lyle high school in 1911. Nora is a graduate of the Valley City, N. D., normal school. Henrietta graduated from the normal school in Moorehead, Minn., in 1911. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Frank H. Pikeb: 1856Frank H. Pike, a substantial farmer of Austin township, was born in Erie county, New York, September 30, 1856, son of Isaiah N. and Isabel (Rolfe) Pike, natives of New York state. He came with his parents to Wisconsin in 1875, and to Mower county in 1885. Here he purchased 160 acres of farm land, and has since carried on agricultural operations. He added sixty acres to his place by purchase, and obtained a similar area from his father, this making him a farm of 280 acres, which receives his best care and attention. He is an independent voter, and has avoided political office, although his interest in education has caused his acceptance of the office of school district 29, a position he has held with credit for nine years. The subject of this sketch was married, in Green county, Wisconsin, October 20, 1878, to Jennie DeRemer, daughter of Peter and Rose (Domey) DeRemer, both now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Pike have been blessed with six children, three of whom, Leslie E., Rosabel N. and Celia F., are living, and three of whom, Dellie M., Lloyd L. and Edith I., are dead. Leslie was born December 8, 1886; Rosabel N., October 9, 1893, and Celia F., September 7, 1896. Dellie M. lived from April 3, 1880, to July 4, 1889; Lloyd L. from December 30, 1888, to September 14, 1893; Edith I. from November 20, 1891, to February 18,-1894, bringing joy by their arrival and presence, and desolation by their departure and absence. The family faith is that of the Baptist church. Frank H. Pike has always been an extensive breeder of stock. At one time he bred the Polled Durham cattle. Mrs. Frank H. Pike is one of the oldest breeders of thoroughbred poultry in the township. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Isiah N. Pikeb: 1832Isiah N. Pike was born in New York in 1832, went to Wisconsin in the spring of 1855, and was married in that fall to Isabell Rolfe, a native of Ohio. Then they went back to New York state, and lived there until the fall of 1875, when they came west to Evansville, Wis., and purchased eighty acres of land, farming until 1885. He then came to Austin township, purchased land and followed agricultural pursuits. Isiah N. Pike died September 19, 1904, and his wife makes her home with her son, Frank H., in Austin township. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
J. A. Pinkavab: 1863J. A. Pinkava, a representative citizen of Red Rock township, was born in Bohemia, March 6, 1863, son of Joseph and Ann (Potochek) Pinkava, who brought him to America in 1880 when he was seventeen years of age. The family came directly to Austin and the men of the family worked out for a time. In 1882 Joseph went to Winnipeg, Canada, and a year later started firing on the Canadian Pacific. Eight months after this he went to Calgary with a view of taking a homestead, but not liking the locality, he went to northern Minnesota. In 1886 he went to Minneapolis and worked in a sawmill for a while, after which he learned the molder's trade. In 1887 he came back to Mower county and helped his brother pay for a farm he had purchased in Red Rock township. Then he bought a threshing machine, the first in Red Rock township, and followed farming and threshing with Ernest Sachese for three years. Then he purchased his partner's interest and conducted the business alone two years, subsequently selling to his brother, James, and Edward Mott. In 1890 he purchased a farm of 160 acres in the northwest quarter of section 20, Red Rock township, and erected a new home and other buildings. He has also acquired forty acres in an adjoining section and 160 acres in section 31, Windom, both of which he conducts, using modern methods and breeding Durham cattle and Percheron horses. He has been treasurer of school district 68 for several years. Mr. Pinkava is a man of sociable disposition and has allied himself with the Bohemian Benevolent Society. The subject of this sketch was married, February 16, 1890, to Anna A., daughter of Vit and Sarah Seifert, a family which came to America at an early day. In the Pinkava home are five children: Adolph, William, Joseph, Arthur and Iva, all on the home farm. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Charles E. Pitcherb: 1872Charles E. Pitcher, successful drayman of Austin, was born in Waseca county, this state, August 12, 1872, son of Almon and Hannah (Conkrite) Pitcher, the former a native of Illinois and the latter of Canada. Charles was reared on the parental farm, and at the age of seventeen started out in life for himself, holding various positions, including situations with the Arlington and Grand hotels, in Austin. He is now conducting a prosperous business of his own, in light draying, having for the past twelve years held the contract for carrying the mail between the postoffice and all incoming and outgoing mails. Mr. Pitcher married Lulu, the daughter of Benjamin and Abigail (Detwiler) Hilker, and they now live in a comfortable residence at 105 South First Street, in Austin. The subject of this sketch has one brother, Wallace J. Pitcher; one sister, Hortense, now Mrs. Edd Englehart; one half brother, Clark Bevins; and two half sisters, Mabel and Flossy, both married. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
James M. Plumb: 1865James M. Plum, yardmaster for the C. M. & St. P. at Austin, was born in Iowa City, Johnson county, Iowa, July 1, 1865, son of Aaron and Harriett Plum. He received his education in the public schools, and remained on the home farm until 1882, when he became water boy on a construction train of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific road for two years. Then after another year in the service of the same road, this time as brakeman, he returned home and worked on the farm a year, after which he entered the employ of the Iowa Central as brakeman, being promoted for merit to conductor. Afterward he became yardmaster for the Great Northern at Wilmar, Minn., for eight years, and still subsequently worked a year at Marshalltown, Iowa. On August 26, 1895, he came to Austin in the employ of the C. M. & St. P. as a brakeman. In 1904 he was appointed yardmaster at Austin, which position he still faithfully fills. Mr. Plum has associated himself with the B. R. T. and the A. O. U. W. He was married January 3, 1886, to Ada Currier, of Milan, Ill., born September 2, 1870. This union has been blessed with four children: Harry, Russell, Clara and Frank. Harry was born November 9, 1887, and was killed at LeRoy, February 23, 1906. He was working as a brakeman, and was knocked from a swiftly moving train by an elevator grain spout. Russell was born August 23, 1889, and was brakeman for the C., M. & St. P., making his headquarters at Austin, and was killed at Northfield, December 13, 1910. His foot was caught in a crossing plank while cutting off cars and he was run over. Clara, born April 12, 1894, is dead. Frank was born July 31, 1895, and is still at home, being a student in the Austin high school. The family faith is that of the Presbyterian Church. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Theodore Sandersb: 1845Theodore Sanders, a well-known retired farmer of Austin, was born in Denmark, April 2, 1845, a son of Carl and Stina (Larsen) Sanders, who passed their lives in the native land, Denmark. Theodore received a good education in the public schools of Denmark, after which he followed farming until his emigration to America in 1867. Arriving in this country, he settled in Dane county, Wisconsin, engaging in farming there until 1875 when he removed to Mower county, Minnesota, and purchased a quarter section of improved land in section 15 of Nevada township. This was the family home for twenty years, during which time modern buildings were added, and the land greatly improved by careful cultivation, yielding rich returns in crops. In 1895, Mr. Sanders sold this property, immediately purchasing a 176-acre farm in Windom township, but on which he has never lived, at once removing to Austin with his family after the sale of the first farm. He had previously bought a ten-acre tract on South Kenwood Avenue and built a home which was their residence until 1907, when he disposed of this place, and moved with his family into their present beautiful and modern home at 1101 North Kenwood avenue. Since his removal to Austin, Mr. Sanders has not been engaged in any line of work, but is enjoying a well-earned rest. He is identified with the Republican Party. November 20, 1871, he was married to Mathilda Nelsen, who deceased March 26, 1909, leaving one child. Emelia, who lives at home and keeps house for her father; Carl, who died at the age of eleven years; Thorvald, deceased, aged nine, and Thora, who died at the age of eight days, were the other children of the family. The Lutheran church has always had the loyalty and support of the family. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
John RahillyJohn Rahilly, now deceased, was an Irish-American gentleman of the old school, and became one of the leading farmers in Mower county as well as one of the largest land holders. He was born in County Clare, Ireland, and came to America with his parents in 1849. After living in Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania, for seven years, they located in Olmsted county, Minnesota, and there John spent his early manhood. In 1880 he came to Grand Meadow township, and settled in section 31, where he purchased 640 acres of land. This tract he improved, erected a large house and commodious barns, and carried on general farming until his death, January 5, 1898. Mr. Rahilly was well and favorably known throughout the county. He was a man of many good qualities, and was noted for his generosity, hospitality and good cheer. A capable business man, he was very successful in the management of his business and his happy, cheerful disposition made him a pleasant companion and friend. The subject of this sketch married Ellen Twohey, who was born in County Cork, Ireland, was brought to Canada by her parents, came to the United States and lived in Iowa, subsequently moving with them to Olmsted county, this state, and settling some seven miles south of Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Rahilly are the parents of nine children, six of whom are living. The children living are: Catherine, wife of Alexander McDowell; Susie C., wife of Patrick McGrevy; Hannah, wife of Henry Weber, Jr.; John H., living on the home farm; William P., who is married and lives on a farm near Dexter, and Richard, who is married and lives near Austin. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
F. G. Rayb: 1841F. G. Ray, a veteran of the Indian campaign and of the Civil war, and for many years the honored postmaster of Rose Creek, was born in Vigo county, Indiana, September 10, 1841, son of Isaac M. and Mary A. (Gordon) Ray; went with them to Moline, Ill., in 1856; to Hastings, Minn., in the spring of 1857, and in that city finished his schooling. In 1862 he became a citizen soldier and served in the Indian outbreak. In 1863 he enlisted in Company F, Seventh Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and served in all the campaigns and battles of the Sixteenth Army Corps under General Thomas, being discharged at Fort Snelling in August, 1865, at the close of hostilities. He then farmed at Empire City, Dakota county, Minnesota, until 1868, when he came to Rose Creek and purchased a half section of school land in section 36, Windom township, the land being at that time partly broken. Shortly afterward he returned to Minneapolis and worked for the Northern Pacific railroad two years. In 1870 he came back to Windom township and lived on the Marshall farm with his parents until 1875, when he moved to the village of Rose Creek, and conducted a hotel from 1876 until 1893. He was postmaster four years under Harrison, was out four years under the second Cleveland administration, and was again appointed under the first McKinley administration, since which time he has served continuously, under McKinley, Roosevelt and Taft. Mr. Ray is a conservative Republican, has served as justice of the peace, was town clerk for ten years, assessor two years, and is now treasurer of the board of education of Rose Creek, as well as a notary public. He is engaged in the real estate and insurance business in addition to his duties as postmaster, and aside from his home in Rose Creek village he owns a farm of 160 acres in Windom township, which he purchased in 1887. He has been a member of the Rose Creek Congregational church since 1880, and is a deacon as well as superintendent of the Sunday school. He affiliates with the Masonic order, the G. A. R. and the Territorial Pioneer Association. The subject of this sketch was married October 31, 1893, to Elizabeth Southworth, of Michigan, who has proved an able and efficient helpmeet. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Isaac M. RayIsaac M. Ray and his wife, Mary A. Gordon, were natives, respectively, of Ohio and Virginia, the former being of English and the latter of Scottish descent. They located in Indiana in 1818, and Isaac M. Ray was there admitted to the bar, serving as police judge of Terre Haute until 1856, when the family moved to Moline, Ill., remaining until the spring of 1857, when they came to Minnesota and located in Hastings, Dakota county. He was admitted to the bar in Minnesota and was sheriff of Dakota county four years, as well as police justice at Hastings, Minn. There they remained until 1868, when they came to Rose Creek and then went on the Marshall farm for seven years. Then they moved to Rose Creek and here Isaac M. died April 14, 1876, and the mother December 9, 1899. Isaac M. Ray when about twenty years of age, was licensed to preach by the M. E. church in Vigo county, Indiana. He was also a member of the bar in Minnesota. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Arne K. Rebneb: 1861Arne K. Rebne, a prosperous resident of Clayton township, was born in Norway in 1861, and lived there until he was sixteen years of age, at which time he came to America. From New York, in which city he landed, he came directly to Adams, and worked nine years as a farm hand. Then he rented land in the town of Clayton, for more than twenty years, and there followed general farming. In 1891 he purchased 121 acres in section 30, township of Clayton, but did not move onto this land until 1906, when he erected a comfortable home in which he took up his residence. Later he erected the other buildings necessary for the housing of his stock, crops and machinery. He now raises the usual crops, breeds cattle for beef and dairy purposes, sells cream to the Adams Co-operative Creamery, devotes some of his time to raising Chester White hogs, and also has a fine flock of poultry for home use and the market. He is a republican in politics, and has been a member of the school board of district 83 for nine years. He is a stockholder in the Adams creamery. Mr. Rebne was married in September, 1886, to Isabel Wiste, of this county, and this union has been blessed with three children: Clarence, Alma and Stella. The two younger attend school. The family faith is that of the Lutheran church. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
John Redingb: 1863John Reding, assessor of the city of Austin, was born in Luxemberg, Germany, March 15, 1863, the son of Peter and Mary Reding, who brought their family to America in 1869 and settled in Union township, Mitchell county, Iowa. Here Peter Reding farmed about eighteen years and here his wife died, May 24, 1881, after which he moved to Adams in this county and retired. John Reding came to America with his parents in 1869 and located in Mitchell county, Iowa. There he attended the district schools and later entered the Mankato high school. After completing his schooling he returned to the home farm. Later he engaged in the hardware business five years at Adams. Subsequently he again took up agricultural pursuits and farmed four years in Mitchell county, Iowa. Then he rented the farm and moved to Lyle, this county, where he once more engaged in the hardware business, at the same time conducting a farm near the village. In 1901 he came to Austin and engaged in the land business, being connected for two years with Herbert St. Ledger in the Southern Minnesota Land Company office. In 1910 he was made assessor of Austin. The same year he erected a comfortable residence on Freeborn Street, where he owns ten lots. Aside from this property he has several other land holdings, among them a 240-acre farm in Mitchell county. He is still interested in farming and is one of the stockholders in the Austin Cement and Tile Company. Mr. Reding married Nellie Smith, daughter of Charles Smith, and they have three children: Marie L., Agnes V. and Esther E. The oldest is a milliner in Minneapolis. The others are at home. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
George W. Reedb: 1853George W. Reed, retired merchant and farmer, now living in Dexter, was born in Cook county, Illinois, September 26, 1853, son of Robert and Mary Reed. He was brought to Pleasant Valley township, this county, in 1856, and was here reared to manhood, receiving his boyhood education in the district schools. In 1882 he took charge of the home farm, and conducted this place in connection with a farm of 160 acres he had purchased in 1878, until 1892, when he became the Dexter representative of the McCormick Manufacturing Company. In the fall of 1904 he entered into partnership with Jesse C. Vermilyea, the firm name being Vermilyea & Reed. After five years Mr. Vermilyea sold his interest in the business to R. S. Noyes. A year later Mr. Reed bought out his partner's interest and on August 4, 1910, sold out to W. E. Daley. Mr. Reed served as treasurer of his school district twenty years, and was assessor several terms in Pleasant Valley township. He was married April 17, 1876, to Alice E. Frase, and to this union two children have been born, George H. and Florence E. The family faith is that of the Presbyterian Church. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Robert ReedRobert Reed and Mary, his wife, were natives of New York state. They located in Cook County, Illinois, in 1851, and in 1856 came to Minnesota, and preempted 160 acres in section 7, Pleasant Valley. Robert died in February, 1885, and his wife passed away in 1880. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Joseph Reinartzb: 1865Joseph Reinartz, a Mower county farmer now living in Lansing township, was born in Washington county, Wisconsin, August 31, 1865, son of Joseph Reinartz, who was born in Germany and came to America in 1849, settling in Washington county, Wisconsin, where he raised his family. Joseph, Sr., came to Mower county in 1879 and took up his abode at Rose Creek, where he engaged in farming and where he still lives, making his home with his son John and his daughter Anna. Joseph, Jr., the subject of this sketch, went to school in Wisconsin and at Rose Creek in Mower county. When he was fourteen years of age he started in life for himself by working out among the farmers of the county. In 1886 he rented a farm, which he conducted five years. Subsequently he rented another farm for two years and in 1893 came to Lansing and purchased his present place. His farm is near the village. Mr. Reinartz has been on the township board six years and is now chairman of the board. He is also a member of the Foresters. By his wife, Anna Gertrude Shnornberg, daughter of Henry and Gertrude (Weise) Shnornberg, Mr. Reinartz has eight children, as follows: Anna M., Josephine, Bernard, Lawrence, Albert H., Henry J., Leonard and Helen E. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Thomas A. Revordb: 1866Thomas A. Revord, the efficient manager of the Austin Weed Exterminator Manufacturing Company, a rapidly growing concern with a promising future, was born in Austin, May 18, 1866, son of John B. and Mary N. (Bero) Revord, early pioneers. He grew to manhood in Austin and attended the Austin high school, afterward taking a course in the academy at Vaiparaiso, Ind. He then worked three years in the law office of Henry Johns, at St. Paul, but in 1890 returned to Austin and engaged successfully in the hardware business for sixteen years. In the year 1906, after disposing of his retail interests, he became one of the organizers, stockholders and directors of the Austin Weed Exterminator Manufacturing Company. In November of that year he was appointed to his present position. While in the retail business Mr. Revord was an active worker in the Austin Merchants' Association, and served as president of that body one year. He has also labored earnestly for the progress of the city in other ways, and for several years was secretary and vice president of the Interstate Telephone and Telegraph Company. He votes the Democratic ticket, and associates fraternally with the K. of C., the C. 0. F., the A. O. U. W., the U. C. T. and the Austin Ccmmercial Club. Mr. Revord was married November 26, 1895, at Madison, Wis., to Julia Grimm, of that place, and to this union four children have been born: Naomi, born September 18, 1896; Helen, born August 14, 1899; Ruth, born May 29, 1901, and John, born April 5, 1906. The family faith is that of the Catholic church. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
John B. RevordJohn B. Revord and Mary N. Bero, his wife, substantial old pioneers, came from their native home in Canada, in 1856, and homesteaded 160 acres in Lansing Township, Mower County. They built the usual buildings and wrought many improvements, but in addition to this Mr. Revord also owned a boot and shoe and grocery store, moving into the city of Austin in 1867 and continuing the business until 1877, when he sold out and retired. He died March 30, 1896, and his wife passed away January 15, 1905. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Perry L. Reynoldsb: 1847Perry L. Reynolds, retired farmer and real estate man, now living at 601 West Oakland Avenue, Austin, was born in Washington county, New York, February 28, 1847, son of Benjamin and Nancy (McDougal) Reynolds, who spent the span of their years in New York state, the father dying in 1872 and the mother in 1892. Perry L. received a good common school education, and in 1867 migrated to Branch county, Michigan, where he remained two years. In 1869 he came to Minnesota, and from then until 1904 farmed and dealt in real estate, owning at one time nearly 2,000 acres in Nevada township, this county. In 1904 he retired and has since made his home in the city of Austin, still owning land in Austin and Sargeant townships. He is a Republican and a Mason, and a member of the Christian church. Mr. Reynolds was married May 23, 1883, to Mrs. Nancy A. (Slyke) Brown, and to this union have been born two children: Harland L., an east side merchant in Austin, and Mabel, now Mrs. Harry Herman, of Austin. Mrs. Reynolds is the daughter of David D. and Sarah (Moyer) Slyke, both natives of Montgomery county, New York, where the father died in 1890 and the mother in 1888. Mrs. Reynolds was born in Montgomery county, New York, February 3, 1843, and was first married to Ozni C. Brown, who died in 1882, leaving seven children: Harry K., Millner, N. D.; Colonel W., Austin; Frank D., Nevada township; Chester C., Austin; George W., Pipestone, Minn.; Grace, now Mrs. A. B. Lovell, Austin, and Alice, deceased. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Orasmus D. Rhoadesb: 1817Orasmus D. Rhoades, an early settler of Udolpho township, who gave up his life for his country in a southern prison, was born in New York, October 27, 1817. He went as a young man to Chautauqua county, New York, and was there married to Maria Hunter, October 6, 1844. She was born in New York City, October 19, 1825. In 1853 Orasmus D. Rhoades came west to Clinton county, Iowa, and in August, 1856, he came to Mower county and settled in section 22, township of Udolpho, where he entered land and built a house. In 1862 he enlisted in Company C, Ninth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and went south with his regiment. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Guntown, Tenn., and was first sent to Andersonville. Later he was incarcerated at Milan, and there died of starvation, December 24, 1864. His wife lived on the old homestead, assisted by her son, Oscar J. Rhoades, until her death in 1910. In the family were six children: Oscar J.; Mary C., wife of B. M. Carll; Malina, wife of Norman Carll; Amelia J., wife of C. King; Harriett O., wife of Samuel Seavey, and Loretta E., wife of John Andrews. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Oscar J. Rhoadesb: 1845Oscar J. Rhoades, a substantial farmer of Udolpho township, was born in Chautauqua county, New York, September 17, 1845, one of the six children of Orasmus D. and Maria (Hunter) Rhoades. He came to Mower county with his parents, here grew to manhood and received his education, and has since continued to reside on the home place. He is one of the few pioneers that are still living, and well remembers the time when there was only one house between his residence in Udolpho, and the present site of the packing house in Austin. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Emery LaVern Tubbs1853-1921Emery L. Tubbs, owner and operator of a sawmill five miles east of Cle-Elum, Washington state, was born in Pennsylvania, October 3, 1853. His Parents, Hiram and Altheda (Segears) Tubbs, were also natives of the Quaker state. In 1862 the husband [Hiram Jr.] enlisted in the service of his country, and was killed at Petersburg, in the early part of the war. The widow and family moved to Minnesota, and here Emery grew to man's estate, receiving his education at the district schoolhouse. When he was eighteen his mother also passed away and he was left an orphan in the world. He continued to follow farming in the state until he was twenty-three. He then cut loose from the old moorings and started out to see the country, going first to Texas for one year, where he worked at carpentering; then to Kansas, and a year later he returned to Minnesota. Here he located and remained for ten years, working at the carpenter's trade and also operating a shingle-mill. He finally came west to Spokane and went to work in a sash and door factory, and later became foreman in the construction of various buildings in the city, at which he was employed two years. Seeing an opportunity to buy a sawmill in Mead, he took advantage of it and moved to that place, where he operated the mill for two years, then moved it to Cle-Elm, Washington, selling it shortly after getting it well established. He bought his present mill in 1894, has continued to run it ever since, and has builtup a good business. Mr. Tubbs has one sister, Mrs. Nellie Cheesman, who resides in Pennsylvania, her native state. He was married in Austin Minnesota, December 19, 1876, to Miss Evaline Pace, who was born in Minnesota in 1861, and there grew to womanhood. Her father, William Pace, was a native of Ohio and a farmer by occupation. He served through the Civil war with credit, and at its close again took up his residence in Minnesota, where he continued to reside until his death in 1901. Mrs. Tubbs has two brothers, Charles and Newton, living in Minnesota, and two sisters, Elizabeth Nichols and Alice Skinner, living in Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Tubbs have the following children: Elma Taylor and Nellie Davidson, living near Cle-Elm; Hazel and Bertha, the latter deceased. Their father is an active Republican, and deeply interest in the success of the principles of his party, for which end he is ever ready to exert his influence. Fraternally, he is affiliated with the I.O.O.F., and his people are members of the Methodist church. Source: UnknownContributed by K. Pike, April 2008 |
Charles L. Riceb: 1865Charles L. Rice, who has prominently identified himself with the movement for the bettering of farm conditions in Minnesota, was born in Windom township, this county, May 23, 1865, the closing year of the Civil war. He received his education in the district and graded schools and in the Austin high school, after which he took up farming on the home place, which now consists of 215 acres in sections 11 and 12, Austin township. Here he still continues to carry on agricultural operations, raising diversified crops and breeding pure blooded Hereford cattle, Percheron horses and registered Chester White hogs. He is the owner of Lapolian Prince, one of the greatest sires in the state. He is a modern farmer in every respect, has a remodeled, well furnished home; water supply in house, barn and hog house; a large silo; commodious barns, and an engine house, as well as a full equipment of modern machinery. Mr. Rice was married June 20, 1888, to Rose E. Grimshaw, and this union has been blessed with two children: George W., who lives near Round Up, Montana, and Charles R., who died in infancy. Mr. Rice is a prominent officer of Grange No. 604, Patrons of Husbandry, and for twenty years has been a member of the Mower County Agricultural Association, serving as its president two years. He is a Republican in politics, and has served in various capacities on the town and school board. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Charles M. RiceCharles M. Rice, now deceased, was born near Buffalo, N. Y., a son of Andrew B. Rice. For twelve years he conducted a general store in Austin and was well and favorably known here. His death in 1897 caused general regret. Mr. Rice married Eunice L. Roberts, daughter of Henry and Jane (Locke) Roberts. Mrs. Rice taught school before her marriage, and for the last eleven years she has taught geography in the Franklin school in Austin. In pursuing her geographical studies Mrs. Rice has traveled extensively in this country and abroad. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Samuel B. RiceSamuel B. and Sarah (Caswell) Rice were natives of Vermont. The former, who was a miller by occupation, sold his mill in 1851, and moved his family to Erroll, Coos county, New Hampshire, where he purchased several hundred acres of land. There he farmed and raised his family of four children: Hanna M., Elizabeth, Lester B. and Samuel W. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Samuel W. Riceb: 1834Samuel W. Rice, pioneer, veteran of the Civil war, and retired farmer now living in Austin, was born in Thetford, Orange county, Vermont, February 27, 1834, son of Samuel B. and Sarah (Caswell) Rice. He was taken by them to Errol, Coos county, New Hampshire, in 1851, and in the spring of 1855 came West, being employed for a time in running a head saw in the Michigan pineries. He arrived in Austin the same year, the city then being but a small hamlet of scattered houses. He went to work for Chauncey Leverich, one of the original proprietors of Austin, and in his saw mill sawed the lumber for the first hotel erected in Austin, the structure being located on the corner of Franklin and Mill streets, on the present site of the Williams House. Mr. Rice and R. O. Hunt were afterwards in partnership in the blacksmith business for a short time. He then operated a threshing machine with Wesley Slocum one year. The subject of this sketch enlisted in Company C, Ninth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, in the early stages of the Civil war, and served over two years as bugler, receiving an honorable discharge for disability caused by eye trouble. Returning to Mower county, he farmed until fifteen years ago, when he retired. His son now owns and operates the home farm. Mr. Rice married Lucinda Slocum, daughter of Cook Slocum, a native of New York state. Mr. and Mrs. Rice have had seven children, of whom the living are: Mary L., now Mrs. Louis Clark; Charles L.; Emma, now Mrs. Otis Robbinson; and Walter J. Those deceased are: Nettie B. Adams, William Rice and one who died in infancy. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
Alfred RichardsonAlfred Richardson, one of the earliest pioneers of Mower County, was born in New England, and came to Austin from Iowa by ox team, in 1856. Here he farmed until 1880, when he went to the Dakotas, later moving to Tennessee, where he died. He built one of the early houses in Mower County, hauling the lumber sixty miles by ox team from West Union, Iowa. He was the father of Mrs. Albert Hart, Mrs. Stephen Chandler, and grandfather of Mrs. Frank P. Dawes. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |
John R. RobertsJohn R. Roberts, for over twenty-five years a member of the board of supervisors of Bennington township, and for a greater part of the time chairman of that body, was born in Portage county, Ohio, January 11, 1841, son of Edward and Ann (Thomas) Roberts. He was reared on the farm, educated in the country schools of Wisconsin, and there grew to manhood, remaining on the home farm until 1870, when he came to Mower county and two years later, in 1872, purchased eighty acres in section 26, Bennington township. This land he broke and improved, erecting a good lot of frame buildings and later adding another eighty, making in all 160 acres, all in section 26. On this tract he conducts general farming, a vocation in which he has been most successful. The subject of this sketch was married November 11, 1872, to Mary J. Perry, who was born at Albany, Missouri, November 12, 1858, and died July 6, 1899, leaving seven children: Albert O., Glenn and Stanley B. are residents respectively of Bennington township, Minneapolis, and the state of Washington. Edna lives in Minneapolis and is the wife of Edward M. Sly. Maude is the wife of William Biel, and they have two children: Alleen and Loyce. The Biel family lives with Mr. Roberts. Edward Roberts lives in the state of Washington. Bessie is the wife of Carl Watt, of Richland county, Wisconsin. The family faith is that of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Edward Roberts, father of John R. Roberts, was born in Wales and came to America at the age of fourteen years. His wife was born in the same country and came to America when sixteen years of age. They were married at Cleveland, Ohio, and settled at Akron, Ohio, where Edward engaged in farming and stone cutting until 1848, when they came to Wisconsin, locating in Rock county. Here they acquired 160 acres of land by paying a settler $40 for his claim, and then paying the government $1.25 an acre. On this tract Edward Roberts prospered and lived until April 6, 1852. His wife died in Spring Valley, this state, January 9, 1897. Their children are: Elizabeth, William, John R., Sarah A., Kate A., Edward and Albert. HISTORY OF MOWER COUNTY, 1911 |